Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: prettyfknscared on January 16, 2013, 04:40 am

Title: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: prettyfknscared on January 16, 2013, 04:40 am
Most of my friends that sell, say crack is their hottest commodity.
Why is it so unpopular, I mean out of Canada there is only 1 single listing...
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: wavelength on January 16, 2013, 04:44 am
Most of my friends that sell, say crack is their hottest commodity.
Why is it so unpopular, I mean out of Canada there is only 1 single listing...
crack is wack dawg
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: Loyal1 on January 16, 2013, 04:44 am
So says Whitney Houston
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: fredflintstone on January 16, 2013, 04:45 am
Its one of the "gotta have it now" drugs ... like H.
Not alot of crack users are living stable enough lives ( I would assume ) to get on Silk Road, have a drop, load BTC etc
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: wavelength on January 16, 2013, 04:50 am
So says Whitney Houston

"First of all, let's get one thing straight: crack is cheap. I make far too much money to ever smoke crack, let's get THAT straight. Okay? We don't do crack. Crack is whack."
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: prettyfknscared on January 16, 2013, 04:51 am
Its one of the "gotta have it now" drugs ... like H.
Not alot of crack users are living stable enough lives ( I would assume ) to get on Silk Road, have a drop, load BTC etc

Ya thats funny hey, a product has too much demand that its not even worth it to sell. Who woulda thought.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: fredflintstone on January 16, 2013, 04:54 am
It's really more how the product is consumed ( small hits, many times a day ) that makes it unpopular on the internet.

Net is great for things like marijuana, MDMA, RC's, cocaine in powder form, pharms .. things like that since it opens markets and breaks borders in some cases ... but crack and H will always reside mainly hand to hand offline IMO
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: ominuby2 on January 16, 2013, 04:57 am
There are alternatives which last longer, have less of a 'crash', and cost a lot less. 

The prices of cocaine on SR are insane-- averaging around 2.5x the street price, at least where I lived. Crack is even more so. I would guess that most people, if they're going to pay that much for a coca product, want something that'll last longer than a few minutes, so they just get coke instead.   Although personally having tried methamphetamine, I'd never go back to coke, and I was doing that weekly for years.  It's a much cleaner experience, lasts much, much longer and doesn't drop you like coke. 
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: BobOwens on January 16, 2013, 05:41 am
I think what it is, most people like to keep there apperance as nice as possible.  Crack and IVing H will make you look like a crackhead, no offense to you crackheads.  I think alot of people are into the koolers shit. (MDMA, EX, Coke, Weed shit like that).  Thats the only explantion, I have about your topic.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: dr octagon on January 16, 2013, 06:24 am
Hopefully because there aren't too many straight up lowlife sellers on SR that could sleep well at night profiting from that shit....  Coming from Australia where there really isn't any crack around, it's hard to imagine recreational crack smoking...

 Can you smoke crack here and there and stay on point? 

Americans, educate my sheltered yet sunburnt ass....
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: grdr on January 16, 2013, 09:09 am
Well cocaine is crack so if you're using cocaine you;re a bum lowlife and deserve a bullet in your head and someone shoul;d piss on your mothers grave. Anyways there's not so much cocaine freebase in my opinion because people intelligent enough to get on silkroad if they want (and alot of them do)  will cook freebase from cocaine they bought. There's definetely people who smoke cocaine recreationally and Whitney houston is just stupid-American-bitch-celebrity.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: isthereanyneed on January 16, 2013, 10:41 am
Because SR does not accept dvd players and tvs as payment :D:D
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: DanielHerd on January 16, 2013, 10:57 am
Bling Bling got crack pip hidden in colllarrr

everytime i smoke crack i end up with a dick in my ass!!

big fat hairy schlong
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: Tyl3rdurden on January 16, 2013, 12:28 pm
So says Whitney Houston

"First of all, let's get one thing straight: crack is cheap. I make far too much money to ever smoke crack, let's get THAT straight. Okay? We don't do crack. Crack is whack."
This, most of the people on here can afford original coke.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: ch0sen on January 16, 2013, 12:40 pm
There are alternatives which last longer, have less of a 'crash', and cost a lot less. 

The prices of cocaine on SR are insane-- averaging around 2.5x the street price, at least where I lived. Crack is even more so. I would guess that most people, if they're going to pay that much for a coca product, want something that'll last longer than a few minutes, so they just get coke instead.   Although personally having tried methamphetamine, I'd never go back to coke, and I was doing that weekly for years.  It's a much cleaner experience, lasts much, much longer and doesn't drop you like coke.

That's funny, years ago you could say I had a meth "problem".  It was then I started doing coke for the very reason I could go to bed and have a next day.  Meth took such an investment of time.  At least 2 if not 3 days to really have the experience I wanted.  That's cool though.  To each their own and all that.  Crack?  I tried it.  Then wondered why in the hell I am doing this.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: mushmold on January 16, 2013, 12:54 pm
This is a funny subject. Guess what is made first from Coca Leaf? Base! Now Crack is called crack because of the NaHCO3 still in it causing it to pop and shit. Personally have made my share of Coca Paste (85-90%) from imported Coca powder from Peru, but as has been said already, with Base you can't stop until its gone...Base just doesn't give you what say something like DMT gives you for such a short acting drug. Personally prefer chewing Coca Leaves myself ;-)
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: anex45 on January 16, 2013, 02:20 pm
Crack is pretty easy to cook from cocaine so I would assume that most of the buyers on here that are into crack can just purchase from one of the cocaine vendors and cook it themselves....otherwise they would just buy it on the streets where you can purchase it in small amounts such as $5 vials.

I don't have to many friends that are into crack but the ones who are usually just purchase it in large amounts and spend a night smoking it all then forget about it because it's not really their main DOC.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: ominuby2 on January 16, 2013, 05:33 pm
That's funny, years ago you could say I had a meth "problem".  It was then I started doing coke for the very reason I could go to bed and have a next day.  Meth took such an investment of time.  At least 2 if not 3 days to really have the experience I wanted.  That's cool though.  To each their own and all that.  Crack?  I tried it.  Then wondered why in the hell I am doing this.

You make a good point!  Half a gram of meth lasts me two or three full days, so I have to plan carefully around other commitments, and even then everything else moves down a notch on the list of priorities.  And if I get a gram I have to put some aside, or I'll be up for like four days and mentally useless by the end of it.

The coke experience is shorter and can be brilliant in its own way, but the come-down from say, splitting a ball with someone, that was awful-- it wrecked me every single time.  That dreaded "this is the last line" feeling... I did find out with coke that if you take a little bit of diphenhydramine (Unisom / Benadryl), no more than 100mg, at the very end, it takes the edge off of it, and makes ya trip a little bit.  :)
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: microboilie on January 16, 2013, 08:10 pm
I love crack, I only do it twice a month at most. I don't like stims that go on for ever like amphetamines. Crack we get in the UK is not worth buying it's so poor, the stuff from holland is like what we were getting 15 years ago here.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: g01d3n on January 16, 2013, 11:18 pm
I would say, and this is just my opinion (so take it with a grain of salt), that The Road has vendors that sell just about everything. If I was inclined to buy crack or cocaine, I would probably just buy the pure coke, just because.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: redalloverthelandguyhere on January 17, 2013, 01:08 am
People can fiend on crack, smoking hundreds of pounds or dollars worth in one sitting.

A carck ho will look like a screaming sj=kull and bklow you for five dollar.

Crack is just a bad drugs.I know a few may use now and again buit still - your better smokinjg hash!


As for cokre, fine a few times a year.

Each day, its boring or bores those around you.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: kitkat82 on January 17, 2013, 01:49 am
Because SR does not accept dvd players and tvs as payment :D:D

Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: bynter on January 17, 2013, 02:09 am
From what I've read, you can't just do crack and then, after being sober for the week it takes to order and ship, still convinced that smoking more is a good idea. This site seems to be just be full of responsible users that are able to use drugs in a sustainable way, and responsible use pretty much just isn't viable with crack. 
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: DankSources on January 17, 2013, 02:13 am
bynter is correct there. I would say that if large amounts were listed then maybe a dealer would buy it, but any user isn't going to wait for a package.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: motek on January 17, 2013, 08:09 am
Most of my friends that sell, say crack is their hottest commodity

yeah coz all your friends are LEOs  >:(

EVERYONE!   this guys is the same who asking for advice (yesterday)  about "collecting 5 KILOS of hash from the post office but he is/was too scared!"

And the his next post is  "Who's got KILOS of  the best kush for sale"  or some such shit!  :o

He hasn't answered what happened with his FIVE KILOS OF HASH   but    he now want's to buy KILOS OF KUSH?   :o

seriously folks have a look at this guy from a LEO pov.  he's trying to find out stuff like how peeps collect parcels AND who has large amounts (unlisted) of pot for sale?

This rings bells and sets off sirens for suggestion,  until he answers what happened with the hash, (which was 'why' he was 'Imfcknscd' in the first fuckin place

Please don't feed the trolls,  especially the leos :P
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: melonballer on January 17, 2013, 01:12 pm
Because you're halving your market - at least that's how I see it. You sell cocaine you're going to attract 2 types of buyer; people who want cocaine and people that want crack. It's not difficult to cook crack from cocaine and it's something any user would be able to do themselves. You cook all of your stash into crack then you've immediately distanced yourself from potential customers who just want cocaine.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: SouthSquareBiz on January 18, 2013, 06:39 am
Shipping and fiend are diametrically opposed actions when it comes to crack.

That sh!t destroys people, families, communities.

Plus, you can buy coke for the even super inflated prices of The Road, cook it up, rock it, and double up.

It's a no brainer.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: dbz4u on January 18, 2013, 07:19 am
Most of my friends that sell, say crack is their hottest commodity

yeah coz all your friends are LEOs  >:(

EVERYONE!   this guys is the same who asking for advice (yesterday)  about "collecting 5 KILOS of hash from the post office but he is/was too scared!"

And the his next post is  "Who's got KILOS of  the best kush for sale"  or some such shit!  :o

He hasn't answered what happened with his FIVE KILOS OF HASH   but    he now want's to buy KILOS OF KUSH?   :o

seriously folks have a look at this guy from a LEO pov.  he's trying to find out stuff like how peeps collect parcels AND who has large amounts (unlisted) of pot for sale?

This rings bells and sets off sirens for suggestion,  until he answers what happened with the hash, (which was 'why' he was 'Imfcknscd' in the first fuckin place

Please don't feed the trolls,  especially the leos :P

The funny thing is if this is LEO we just proved we're not fucked up enough to sell crack. Show that to your bosses you fucking faggot police officers
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: shakedown street on January 18, 2013, 11:05 am
So says Whitney Houston

    What’s six inches long and won’t be getting sucked on Valentines day?

    Whitney Houstons crack pipe.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: microboilie on January 18, 2013, 11:16 am
You can do crack recreationally, I wouldn't buy crack in the UK, it's shit, I buy maybe twice a month on SR.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: grdr on January 18, 2013, 03:11 pm
Most of my friends that sell, say crack is their hottest commodity

yeah coz all your friends are LEOs  >:(

EVERYONE!   this guys is the same who asking for advice (yesterday)  about "collecting 5 KILOS of hash from the post office but he is/was too scared!"

And the his next post is  "Who's got KILOS of  the best kush for sale"  or some such shit!  :o

He hasn't answered what happened with his FIVE KILOS OF HASH   but    he now want's to buy KILOS OF KUSH?   :o

seriously folks have a look at this guy from a LEO pov.  he's trying to find out stuff like how peeps collect parcels AND who has large amounts (unlisted) of pot for sale?

This rings bells and sets off sirens for suggestion,  until he answers what happened with the hash, (which was 'why' he was 'Imfcknscd' in the first fuckin place

Please don't feed the trolls,  especially the leos :P

The funny thing is if this is LEO we just proved we're not fucked up enough to sell crack. Show that to your bosses you fucking faggot police officers

my god what did you prove? there's crack cocaine on sr most popular coke sellers sell it. and there's plenty of people who buy coke snorts half and cooks other half by themselves for smoke. and crack is just cocaine freebase.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: wavelength on January 18, 2013, 05:15 pm
Most of my friends that sell, say crack is their hottest commodity

yeah coz all your friends are LEOs  >:(

EVERYONE!   this guys is the same who asking for advice (yesterday)  about "collecting 5 KILOS of hash from the post office but he is/was too scared!"

And the his next post is  "Who's got KILOS of  the best kush for sale"  or some such shit!  :o

He hasn't answered what happened with his FIVE KILOS OF HASH   but    he now want's to buy KILOS OF KUSH?   :o

seriously folks have a look at this guy from a LEO pov.  he's trying to find out stuff like how peeps collect parcels AND who has large amounts (unlisted) of pot for sale?

This rings bells and sets off sirens for suggestion,  until he answers what happened with the hash, (which was 'why' he was 'Imfcknscd' in the first fuckin place

Please don't feed the trolls,  especially the leos :P

The funny thing is if this is LEO we just proved we're not fucked up enough to sell crack. Show that to your bosses you fucking faggot police officers

my god what did you prove? there's crack cocaine on sr most popular coke sellers sell it. and there's plenty of people who buy coke snorts half and cooks other half by themselves for smoke. and crack is just cocaine freebase.

only crackheads defend crack.....

Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: grdr on January 18, 2013, 05:55 pm
Most of my friends that sell, say crack is their hottest commodity

yeah coz all your friends are LEOs  >:(

EVERYONE!   this guys is the same who asking for advice (yesterday)  about "collecting 5 KILOS of hash from the post office but he is/was too scared!"

And the his next post is  "Who's got KILOS of  the best kush for sale"  or some such shit!  :o

He hasn't answered what happened with his FIVE KILOS OF HASH   but    he now want's to buy KILOS OF KUSH?   :o

seriously folks have a look at this guy from a LEO pov.  he's trying to find out stuff like how peeps collect parcels AND who has large amounts (unlisted) of pot for sale?

This rings bells and sets off sirens for suggestion,  until he answers what happened with the hash, (which was 'why' he was 'Imfcknscd' in the first fuckin place

Please don't feed the trolls,  especially the leos :P

The funny thing is if this is LEO we just proved we're not fucked up enough to sell crack. Show that to your bosses you fucking faggot police officers

my god what did you prove? there's crack cocaine on sr most popular coke sellers sell it. and there's plenty of people who buy coke snorts half and cooks other half by themselves for smoke. and crack is just cocaine freebase.

only crackheads defend crack.....


well I haven't tried it yet, just interesting to see people talking shit about themselves because crack is cocaine.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: wavelength on January 18, 2013, 06:24 pm
Most of my friends that sell, say crack is their hottest commodity

yeah coz all your friends are LEOs  >:(

EVERYONE!   this guys is the same who asking for advice (yesterday)  about "collecting 5 KILOS of hash from the post office but he is/was too scared!"

And the his next post is  "Who's got KILOS of  the best kush for sale"  or some such shit!  :o

He hasn't answered what happened with his FIVE KILOS OF HASH   but    he now want's to buy KILOS OF KUSH?   :o

seriously folks have a look at this guy from a LEO pov.  he's trying to find out stuff like how peeps collect parcels AND who has large amounts (unlisted) of pot for sale?

This rings bells and sets off sirens for suggestion,  until he answers what happened with the hash, (which was 'why' he was 'Imfcknscd' in the first fuckin place

Please don't feed the trolls,  especially the leos :P

The funny thing is if this is LEO we just proved we're not fucked up enough to sell crack. Show that to your bosses you fucking faggot police officers

my god what did you prove? there's crack cocaine on sr most popular coke sellers sell it. and there's plenty of people who buy coke snorts half and cooks other half by themselves for smoke. and crack is just cocaine freebase.

only crackheads defend crack.....


well I haven't tried it yet, just interesting to see people talking shit about themselves because crack is cocaine.

brother, go snort a line.
then cook up some crack and smoke a pinch.

come back and tell me how they are the same.

how act crack
« on: January 08, 2013, 09:21 pm »

i have order from a seller crack.
than i have smoke it, and i feel tired and it turne me.
is this normal. i believe it must me pushen.
who has experience with crack?
^single greatest crack posts OF ALL TIME!  ;D

Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: grdr on January 18, 2013, 06:58 pm
Most of my friends that sell, say crack is their hottest commodity

yeah coz all your friends are LEOs  >:(

EVERYONE!   this guys is the same who asking for advice (yesterday)  about "collecting 5 KILOS of hash from the post office but he is/was too scared!"

And the his next post is  "Who's got KILOS of  the best kush for sale"  or some such shit!  :o

He hasn't answered what happened with his FIVE KILOS OF HASH   but    he now want's to buy KILOS OF KUSH?   :o

seriously folks have a look at this guy from a LEO pov.  he's trying to find out stuff like how peeps collect parcels AND who has large amounts (unlisted) of pot for sale?

This rings bells and sets off sirens for suggestion,  until he answers what happened with the hash, (which was 'why' he was 'Imfcknscd' in the first fuckin place

Please don't feed the trolls,  especially the leos :P

The funny thing is if this is LEO we just proved we're not fucked up enough to sell crack. Show that to your bosses you fucking faggot police officers

my god what did you prove? there's crack cocaine on sr most popular coke sellers sell it. and there's plenty of people who buy coke snorts half and cooks other half by themselves for smoke. and crack is just cocaine freebase.

only crackheads defend crack.....


well I haven't tried it yet, just interesting to see people talking shit about themselves because crack is cocaine.

brother, go snort a line.
then cook up some crack and smoke a pinch.

come back and tell me how they are the same.

how act crack
« on: January 08, 2013, 09:21 pm »

i have order from a seller crack.
than i have smoke it, and i feel tired and it turne me.
is this normal. i believe it must me pushen.
who has experience with crack?
^single greatest crack posts OF ALL TIME!  ;D

I'll write a report when I try it but it's the same drug no matter the difference in effects anyways. I mean smoking and snorting crystal  meth ? Is one bad another good? Here's the same.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: wavelength on January 18, 2013, 07:06 pm
Most of my friends that sell, say crack is their hottest commodity

yeah coz all your friends are LEOs  >:(

EVERYONE!   this guys is the same who asking for advice (yesterday)  about "collecting 5 KILOS of hash from the post office but he is/was too scared!"

And the his next post is  "Who's got KILOS of  the best kush for sale"  or some such shit!  :o

He hasn't answered what happened with his FIVE KILOS OF HASH   but    he now want's to buy KILOS OF KUSH?   :o

seriously folks have a look at this guy from a LEO pov.  he's trying to find out stuff like how peeps collect parcels AND who has large amounts (unlisted) of pot for sale?

This rings bells and sets off sirens for suggestion,  until he answers what happened with the hash, (which was 'why' he was 'Imfcknscd' in the first fuckin place

Please don't feed the trolls,  especially the leos :P

The funny thing is if this is LEO we just proved we're not fucked up enough to sell crack. Show that to your bosses you fucking faggot police officers

my god what did you prove? there's crack cocaine on sr most popular coke sellers sell it. and there's plenty of people who buy coke snorts half and cooks other half by themselves for smoke. and crack is just cocaine freebase.

only crackheads defend crack.....


well I haven't tried it yet, just interesting to see people talking shit about themselves because crack is cocaine.

brother, go snort a line.
then cook up some crack and smoke a pinch.

come back and tell me how they are the same.

how act crack
« on: January 08, 2013, 09:21 pm »

i have order from a seller crack.
than i have smoke it, and i feel tired and it turne me.
is this normal. i believe it must me pushen.
who has experience with crack?
^single greatest crack posts OF ALL TIME!  ;D

I'll write a report when I try it but it's the same drug no matter the difference in effects anyways. I mean smoking and snorting crystal  meth ? Is one bad another good? Here's the same.

yes you dummy, snorting/smoking meth is very different too!
smoking is the most addictive method.
you are going to crash the hardest from smoking, and that will make you want to smoke more because you feel like shit.
this is the cycle of addiction friend.
the way you take your drug greatly influences the effects, obviously
and it DOES create a different experience.
same general effects, but its obviously going to be all together, different.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: princeblack49 on January 18, 2013, 07:34 pm
As a former user I would say first. Crack is wack. It is a now now now drug. Waiting for that pack to arrive seems impossible. I would sooner steal some shit and hit the dope track. I hate that shit with all the life in my body. It took years to undo the shit it caused my life and buried many good people i knew. So glad i got help in NA. I would be dead without it. Although I use psychedelics again I cannot stress enough how much I love the 12 steps for shit i need to solve in my life. Sound strange? yes but that is my experience.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: grdr on January 18, 2013, 08:26 pm
As a former user I would say first. Crack is wack. It is a now now now drug. Waiting for that pack to arrive seems impossible. I would sooner steal some shit and hit the dope track. I hate that shit with all the life in my body. It took years to undo the shit it caused my life and buried many good people i knew. So glad i got help in NA. I would be dead without it. Although I use psychedelics again I cannot stress enough how much I love the 12 steps for shit i need to solve in my life. Sound strange? yes but that is my experience.

how does it compare to IV cocaine? I IV coke many times but never snorted or smoked.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: microboilie on January 18, 2013, 11:42 pm
As a former user I would say first. Crack is wack. It is a now now now drug. Waiting for that pack to arrive seems impossible. I would sooner steal some shit and hit the dope track. I hate that shit with all the life in my body. It took years to undo the shit it caused my life and buried many good people i knew. So glad i got help in NA. I would be dead without it. Although I use psychedelics again I cannot stress enough how much I love the 12 steps for shit i need to solve in my life. Sound strange? yes but that is my experience.
I don't think it's fair to put everyone in the same basket, just because you become a crackhead doesn't mean everyone does. I wouldn't throw my life away for cocaine. have been smoking crack for just under 20 years and never been dependent.

strange for someone who practices 12 steps to be on a drugs forum, pretty contradicting. obviously sobriety isn't all that.
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: dbz4u on January 19, 2013, 05:36 am
Most of my friends that sell, say crack is their hottest commodity

yeah coz all your friends are LEOs  >:(

EVERYONE!   this guys is the same who asking for advice (yesterday)  about "collecting 5 KILOS of hash from the post office but he is/was too scared!"

And the his next post is  "Who's got KILOS of  the best kush for sale"  or some such shit!  :o

He hasn't answered what happened with his FIVE KILOS OF HASH   but    he now want's to buy KILOS OF KUSH?   :o

seriously folks have a look at this guy from a LEO pov.  he's trying to find out stuff like how peeps collect parcels AND who has large amounts (unlisted) of pot for sale?

This rings bells and sets off sirens for suggestion,  until he answers what happened with the hash, (which was 'why' he was 'Imfcknscd' in the first fuckin place

Please don't feed the trolls,  especially the leos :P

The funny thing is if this is LEO we just proved we're not fucked up enough to sell crack. Show that to your bosses you fucking faggot police officers

my god what did you prove? there's crack cocaine on sr most popular coke sellers sell it. and there's plenty of people who buy coke snorts half and cooks other half by themselves for smoke. and crack is just cocaine freebase.

only crackheads defend crack.....


well I haven't tried it yet, just interesting to see people talking shit about themselves because crack is cocaine.

brother, go snort a line.
then cook up some crack and smoke a pinch.

come back and tell me how they are the same.

how act crack
« on: January 08, 2013, 09:21 pm »

i have order from a seller crack.
than i have smoke it, and i feel tired and it turne me.
is this normal. i believe it must me pushen.
who has experience with crack?
^single greatest crack posts OF ALL TIME!  ;D

Please write a post titled "The Crack Diaries" with more stuff like that. You could even publish it legitly. Would be beyond amazing
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: motek on January 20, 2013, 12:32 am
The funny thing is if this is LEO we just proved we're not fucked up enough to sell crack. Show that to your bosses you fucking faggot police officers
LMAO   ;D   yep!  8)
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: Davey Jones on January 26, 2013, 05:01 pm
Anyone know the difference between crack and free base?  They are different to be sure.  I'm sure some people that get righteous powder have tried cookin a little.  Crack is sort of a rip off in a way.  What are grams now? 50$usd?  How long will that last?  Then what? You want more, then you do more, then you want more, then you do more, then you want more, then you do more.  Ridiculous.  A gram of real good blow last alot longer, much cleaner high, hardly any comedown.  Any knowledgeable people wanna tell how real crack is made? 
Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: greenturtle on January 26, 2013, 07:57 pm

how act crack
« on: January 08, 2013, 09:21 pm »

i have order from a seller crack.
than i have smoke it, and i feel tired and it turne me.
is this normal. i believe it must me pushen.
who has experience with crack?
^single greatest crack posts OF ALL TIME!  ;D

+1 to you, I remember this, hysterical  ;D!

Title: Re: Why is "Crack" so unpopular on SR?
Post by: Jediknight on January 27, 2013, 02:24 pm