Fuck the polls. . . fuck haters.I bought a vendor account and did everything right with products and promotion and shipping. To the fucking book. I invested over $2200. to get started. I've earned $43. in 5 months here on the road.There was the hack, the ruined 420 sale, scams gallore. . Now, how do I break even? I need to be able to sell this vendor account to recover a small fraction of my losses.Business is a risk, but SR doesn't exactly provide support to starving vendors. Sales suck. People only buy from large vendors. Everyone thinks new vendors are scammers.SR almost bankrupted me sending out free samples, thinking I was going to make money like the big vendors. People just took the freebees and ran. There is also bullying and other mafia-like tactics to discourage new vendors.I don't feel I got my money's worth from SR account. I feel ripped off because, it actually cost me in BTC which was $960. at the time. Some guys only had to pay $300.-500. wwhen BTXC was low. Not me.Anyone want to buy a vendor account?Or buy some of my damn listings .? I actually have mouths to feed and I was misled into believing I could earn money here by doing the same strategies others did. I read every vendor post and did everything to the letter. Its not that easy. ----> WHY WOULD a successful vendor sell their account? Only new account get sold, accounts that 'didn't work out' . So, what's the big deal? It like buying a semi-new car after a person faulted on teh first payment. Its still new. It still has value. I want that value in my pocket please.