Hi guys! I tried to organize one this year and get some hype. Here is a thread made somewhere with some notes and discussions. Search for 420 2013. There wasn't a lot of support and most said to leave it up to SR staff to organize it. I suggested they were too busy with scams and tech support to organize fun events like this. They need a communications person or just leave it to the community to organize itself. Many kept saying "tony76". Over and over. Loser. Anyway, we have escrow now and will promote it as part of the 420 event as the slogan hehe. No FEI suggested we should form a committee and start with sending of notices and thread creation. Then hit up vendors for prizes and giveaways in exchange for sponsorship and mention of their name frequently in posts. It should pay for itself through sponsorship of vendors paying for the prizes and such. Contests! Someone has to form the contests and rules and such. The committee should be divided into groups and each take on a task. Meet up in the thread twice a week to see where everyone is at with their tasks . Ideas?I'd like to see it happen. I would like to enter my weed and concentrates. We need organizers and people to make it happen. I'm here daily and can commit to some tasks. Suggestions?