I'm still in rehab. Outpatient treatment with methadone.Ask any questions. It's been 3 yrs now.They tell me all sorts of things, like drugs rot your brain. It's all about money. Rehab costs money and the longer they can 'treat ' you the better for them. I don't even need methadone, I never really used opiates. Haha. True. He probabion officer suggested methadone after I was caught with marihuana And labeled a drug addict. I agreed to the methadone because the only other option was a locked up detox facility. Ouch! For pot????Now I'm stuck on methadone years later. Probation is long over with. I'm still spending about $80. / week on methadone treatment. Strange huh? My probation officer got me hooked on methadone. Someone is getting my money and it ain't the local pot dealer.Apparently , once I finish methadone treatment ill be cured of drugs. Amazing. They won't let's get off the stuff. They keep convincing me that I need the methadone to stay normal and safe. It does nothing for pot. Duh. And of course pot isn't addictive anyway.