After weeks of nominating and voting the decision is finally in! The movie we are watching for our 2nd Official Movie Night is.... (drum roll please): A Scanner Darkly!!! So get those torrents downloading, those netflix accounts streaming, and (for those old fashioned types in the audience) those DVD players turned on, cause it's time for Movie Night! So the way this works is you watch the movie today whenever you get the chance, (I will be watching it later tonight), and then we can spend all weekend or longer discussing it here in this thread. Sound fun? Good! Now get to it. P.S. - 2nd place in the voting was Dr. Strangelove. I highly reccomend watching that this weekend as well if you have the time, and if one of you would like to start up another thread for discussion on that (or any other movie from the nominations) please feel free to do so. Links where the movie can be downloaded from or streamed: