You are right, if we are talking about the people we are today. But I assure you that we as a human race are quickly evolving into a much more intelligent and remarkably bright species. I predict that over the next 50 years or so we will make mind blowing progress in fields like psychology and eventually will be able to eradicate "less-than-perfect" mental health issues. I have enough faith in mankind to know that we will eventually be responsible enough to handle pure and absolute freedom and society will be able to function in a voluntary and co-operative manner.
Another point: If you look at the historical rate of how many hours the average man has to work each week to make enough wealth for him and his family to survive has been shrinking more and more over the years. Couple hundred years ago, they would have laughed at the idea of being able to provide for an entire family by working only 40 hours a week, with weekends off, and 2 weeks of vacation time each year. Continuing this trend, eventually we will make enough money to survive for a year on one day of work a week, maybe less. Imagine how much less violence there would be in a world without poverty and where everyone has perfect mental health. With the exponential growth rate we are on technologically, we are progressing faster than you can imagine.
In any case, just because a government exists doesn't mean its impossible for somebody to stockpile nukes in a major metropolitan area. A free market homeland security company could easily find enough demand to offer the service of keeping an eye on anyone who is acquiring nuclear materials and preventing disasters. I would trust that company to adapt, prosper, and succeed at deterring nuclear weapons way more than I trust the DHS to keep me safe.
It's all boils down to your beliefs on the true character of human nature. And I for one am very optimistic.