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Messages - inigo

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Silk Road discussion / Re: UFC 154 LIVESTREAM VLADMIR
« on: November 20, 2012, 07:03 am »
DAMNNNNN that left hand from Johnny Hendrix is nasty!!!!!!!!!!! I would not wanna get punched by that kid!!! I hope they give him the shot at fighting GSP next!

Silk Road discussion / Re: UFC 154 LIVESTREAM VLADMIR
« on: November 18, 2012, 06:37 am »
there were some great fights tonight, i think the gsp fight is fight of the year worthy, i won't say who won, but it was one hell of a fight!

haha DAMN IT!!! of all the fights that I had to miss!!! WHHYYYYYYYY!!!!

I actually think I found a site thats going to put up a full replay in a few hours.. I'm not moving from this computer until I see it!!! I'm not even going to come back to this thread on account of that somebody is surly going to try and spoil it for me.

I really fuckin' love this sport.  ;D

Silk Road discussion / Re: UFC 154 LIVESTREAM VLADMIR
« on: November 18, 2012, 06:09 am »
Nooo I missed it!!!  :'(

I can't believe I missed GSP fight!!! I don't even want to know who won yet, I need to find somewhere where I can see it replayed!

There is nothing more satisfying than seeing our karma system working the way it was designed to.  ;D

I love how it so accurately highlights the personalities and maturity levels that are the most representative of our collective conscience, and those that are clearly not representative of our community as a whole. This makes me feel much better about who really makes up the heart and soul of SR.  :)

As for you Jezus, sorry to break it to ya buddy but your right to use SR was fine and well until you just made that threat to dox one of our users. That's a big no-no. DPR will have to review this instance and make a decision. Best of luck to ya kiddo.

Hey Joey, sorry to hear you got such a negative impression of libertarian ideals. But I assure you most of us are more like the DPR type you claim to have respect for. I absolutely respect your right to an opinion and I think we have the same goals and values in terms of freedom for all. I would really love to see you join us in DPR'S Book Club sometime, and actually read a little bit of libertarian literature with us. You may actually be surprised at how practical and sensible it becomes when broken down and explained by the greatest minds behind this ideology. There is a reason that many of the greatest minds in history have come to our philosophical team.  :)

In fact, we just started a new book today, and I'd love to see you just check it out and try to follow along with us for a few weeks and really give your thoughts in the book club thread, even if you completely disagree. You'll have a chance to explain why you still don't buy their reasoning. What do you have to lose?

I thought Steven Rae, who plays Finch, did an excellent job. His gradual rising doubt over the rightness of his position is well choreographed.
Even with the mask on, you can sense V's growing emotional conflict with Portman's character. Portman has that genius that just takes over every scene, and John Hurt was so good you can't wait for him to be killed.
The scene when V kills the female doctor is so well done I think Ive teared up over it a few times.

Absolutely! Wonderful acting!!! And I really love that part too, how he shows compassion even in revenge, killing the woman painlessly in her sleep, listening to her apology before she peacefully dies. So powerful.

One of my favorite quotes is in the beginning when after V's crazy introduction speech, Evey asks him, "Are you like a.... crazy person?" and V replies "I'm quite sure they will say so." That hits so close to home about what it's like to be a libertarian/an-cap like me. I cannot tell you how many people assume I am mentally disturbed or some degree of crazy, just because I am aware of our enslavement to the state and because I'm not easily brainwashed. Even now I know many of you reading this are already thinking to yourselves that I must be crazy.  ::)

What we all need to hear, is the message V gives on the emergency channel to the whole country. He gets everyone's attention and explains to them that they, the citizens, are the real ones to blame for allowing the government to take their freedoms. For allowing tyranny to come to power to give them a false sense of security. That is exactly what is happening in the world right now! They brainwash you to trust them to protect you from "terrorists", and all you have to do in exchange is agree to give them absolute power. As V says in the speech, "But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty you need only look into a mirror. "
- inigo

Wow great points! I agree. Are you a crazy person? Well what is really a crazy person? Just because I don't think like most other people?
This reminded me of a speech that Terence Mckenna did and titled on youtube "Schizophrenic or Shamanic?" (Clearnet link: Just saying how society puts these people who are "out of the ordinary" and tells them that they need help or need some "prescriptions". When in reality they are just in touch with nature more than others. Whether Terence is right or not, I think that the philosophy behind "you think different, so you must be crazy" is wrong. Humans are weird in general lol.
I even more so agree with you on your next point of how WE are really the ones allowing others to "control" us.  People are always looking for higher-ups or others more powerful than them to straighten things out and bring peace, justice, and liberty to them. But people have to realize that they are the higher-ups and are as powerful as they want to be. Nothing is stopping you from living a life that you want. We are each built with the same two legs. Same two arms. Etc. Even if your dream is put to a halt and worst case sanario you turn up dead trying. You still helped and changed your world you live in. Because others will pick up right where you left off. It really is YOU / US that makes the change.
Thanks for those great thoughts.

I really wish I could of watched it with you all but I read the post too late. Thought it was maybe next Friday but I was wrong lol. Wasn't around to join in. But I have watched the movie at least once or twice before.
I'll gladly get some conversation started though. 
How about some relations to the use of the postal system in the movie and how we use it on SR? One of the coolest most innovative parts that I found throughout the movie was when V uses the postal system to ship out THOUSANDS of masks. Clearnet link to clip:
We could certainly say that a system like that is utilized on SR (obviously).
What if WE could use the postal system in a way that would spread a message like V did with the masks? What would you choose to send out? Simple flyers with words? A representational revolutionary artwork (like the mask)? Maybe some of you would even send a weapon.
I don't even know what I would choose actually. I would feel the need to spread an action rather than just information. I would like to send a message for everyone to meet and simply gather. Once that is done I think the power of people simply meeting and discussing problems can turn into solutions, actions.
Just figure I try to make a question we could all discuss amongst each other.

Another one of my favorite clips from this movie is when V is surrounded and fights till the death. "WHY WONT YOU DIE!!!!" "IDEAS ARE BULLETPROOF!"
Clearnet video clip:
Great quote used by many.

I never thought about that in that context, I really like where your going with the idea though! How cool would that be if we could use the postal system like that?! I'd probably send everyone a copy of Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" pamphlet. But the possibilities are endless and there are so many awesome things you could do with that. If a revolution really comes, that would be such a cool stunt to pull off. Even if it were just to everybody in the Washington DC metropolitan area to encourage them all to come out for an all out overthrowing of the federal govt. Sigh, I can dream can't I?  :)

Thanks for those links HG!! I love the idea of an audio version, and that ePub is a great tip! I am so glad your enjoying this book so far, but I have to ask that if your going to read ahead, please at least wait until the weekly assignments catch up to those parts before discussing them. This week we're only reading up to the end of "Sexual". We're going a little slower this time but I hope you can still find enough to to talk about in the little sections we're reading to stay with us and help provide discussion on the weekly assignment. Thank you!  ;)

Week 8 of "Defending the Undefendable"
Getting close to the end of the book... Seems like maybe a lot of you are ready to be done with this...

This week we come to the very last and final, Section VIII.

Again we will read the entire section because its only about 30 pages long. Just pick up where we left off last week and finish the book.

This is also a great week to sum up any conclusions you have come up with over the last 8 weeks.

What did you guys think?
Week 7 of "Defending the Undefendable"

Welcome to the newcomers! I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to catch up and chime in so I waited a few days to start this week.

This week we come to Section VII and will read through the whole thing because it's so short. It starts on page 197 (216 pdf) and ends on page 220 (239 pdf).

Since this is a short week we'll be back to updating on Fridays.




Week 6 of "Defending the Undefendable"
This week we finish off Section VI: Business and Trade, specifically chapters 23-25 or pages 169-195

For the PDF these correspond to pages 188-214

For links on places to get the book please see below.

Week 5 of "Defending the Undefendable"
Sorry for not having much reading time and getting involved these last few weeks, it looks like the rest of you are not finding the time either.  :-\

Regardless, the book club goes on! When you guys are in the mood to pick up a book and read, we'll be here for ya!  ;D

We're getting close to the end here, as we move onto Section VI: Business and Trade. Since this is a long section, we will only read the first four chapters of it, 19-22.

In other words, from page 139-168 or if your going by the PDF reader page number 158-187.

See below for links on where the book can be found.

Week 4 of "Defending the Undefendable"

Hey guys, this week we'll move right along to Section V: Financial, which starts at the top of page 99 and ends at the bottom of page 135. (118-154 for the pdf)

Again, for those just joining us, here is some resources for finding the book online for free:




Week 3 of "Defending the Undefendable"

Sorry for the delay in posting an update this week. Hope some of you used the extra few days to get caught up to where we are.  :)

Moving on in our book, "Defending the Undefendable" this week we will read Section IV: Outlaw, which goes from page 73 and ends on 96 (PDF 92-115).




Week 2 of "Defending the Undefendable"

This week we will be reading Section II and Section III, Medical and Free Speech, respectively.

Section II begins at the top of page 27 and we will read until the end of Section III at the bottom of page 72. (PDF pg. 46-91)

Again here are a few links to different formats of the book. (Thanks Hungry Ghost for the new formats!)




Or you can buy a physical copy from, Amazon, or anywhere else you can find it.  :)


Week 1 of "Defending the Undefendable"
Hey everybody! Hope you guys enjoyed the movie night as much as I did! If you haven't participated in that yet, then by all means your still welcome to go to that thread and comment on the movie!

But now it's time to go back to hitting the books.  :)

This week, we will begin our newest selection, "Defending the Undefendable" by Walter Block.

Here is a description from
"Professor Block's book is in a new edition from the Mises Institute, completely reset and beautifully laid out in an edition worthy of its contents.

It is among the most famous of the great defenses of victimless crimes and controversial economic practices, from profiteering and gouging to bribery and blackmail. However, beneath the surface, this book is also an outstanding work of microeconomic theory that explains the workings of economic forces in everyday events and affairs.

Murray Rothbard explains why:

Defending the Undefendable performs the service of highlighting, the fullest and starkest terms, the essential nature of the productive services performed by all people in the free market. By taking the most extreme examples and showing how the Smithian principles work even in these cases, the book does far more to demonstrate the workability and morality of the free market than a dozen sober tomes on more respectable industries and activities. By testing and proving the extreme cases, he all the more illustrates and vindicates the theory."

F.A. Hayek agreed, writing the author as follows: "Looking through Defending the Undefendable made me feel that I was once more exposed to the shock therapy by which, more than fifty years ago, the late Ludwig von Mises converted me to a consistent free market position. … Some may find it too strong a medicine, but it will still do them good even if they hate it. A real understanding of economics demands that one disabuses oneself of many dear prejudices and illusions. Popular fallacies in economics frequently express themselves in unfounded prejudices against other occupations, and showing the falsity of these stereotypes you are doing a real services, although you will not make yourself more popular with the majority."

Just read the table of contents and you'll see why we're so excited about this next book.  :D

We're going to slow it down a bit from last time, and only read about 30 pages a week instead of 50. If that's still too much I'll slow it down even more. But I think 30 pages is a fairly easy section of reading to do in one week.

So this week we will start with the forward by Rothbard on page ix, (10 on the pdf file) and will read the end of page 23 (42 pdf). This includes the forward, introduction, and the very first section: "Sexual"

The book can be downloaded for free from:

Or purchased from:

Note: If your overly careful about your anonymity, and are vigilant about leaving 0 tracks anywhere on the internet, then I am sure you can find the book from other sources, for instance there are used copies on Amazon for less than $10. Personally I like to have a hard copy to read from, makes it easier than doing your reading assignments on a computer screen.


Does anybody else have any specific thoughts or criticisms on the movie? I'd love to hear more of your opinions on the film itself! To be honest, it kind of makes me sad that with over 70 posts in this thread, so few are actually about V for Vendetta.  :(

Man am I disappointed to read the responses in this thread. I really thought more of you would look up to and have the deepest, utmost respect for Dr. Paul. It literally breaks my heart to see him retire. We have NOBODY else left in congress to carry the weight that man carried on his back for the last 30 plus years. All by himself, he fought tooth and nail to carry the weight of the message of freedom on his back, and it wasn't until his last few years that he got the recognition he deserved. Sadly that recognition didn't come from any of his peers or colleagues,  but from the entire generation of youth who were smart enough and intellectually free enough to understand how much of a hero he really was and is. There has NEVER been another politician who stuck by his principles and what he believed in like Ron Paul did. Not ONCE did he change positions, contradict himself, or vote against his libertarian ideals. You will NEVER find another statesman like him who really cared that much about his countrymen and the fundamental universal rights of man, and not about power or money. He was a one-of-a-kind man, and personally I believe he deserved to go down as an equal to MLK and Ghandi. He had no other motivation for his long hard career standing by himself against the rest of congress than to fight for our freedom. This is going to offend many of you, but I truly believe he has done more for defending my freedom than any soldier in the US military. The man deserves nothing but praise, love, and admiration. He has earned the right to go down as a legend, a true American hero, and most likely the last true statesman we'll ever have.

Lol I'm sorry to say Inigo that I'm just too cynical for the forefathers shit. Every time I hear a U.S politician saying "Oh this isn't what the forefathers would have wanted rah rah, blah blah" it just sounds like white-noise or of people grabbing on to ideals that they skew to fit an idealized picture that just isn't true.

It's okay Lim, I would only have a grudge against you for that if you were a fellow American.  ;)

But none-the-less, if you ever get curious about why he's so idolized, I encourage you to read his book Liberty Defined sometime, and really try to get a feel for what he stood for. His message was SO much deeper than just rambling about American forefathers. While he does use that point in debate sometimes, his real inspirations and sources of principles came from the likes of Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard, Ayn Rand, etc. He cites them WAY more often than any of the forefathers. You'd be hard pressed to find anything deeper and more intellectually stimulating on the philosophy of liberty than the works of Mises and Rothbard. He was a damn smart old man, way more intelligent than any other politician  I've ever seen.

Man am I disappointed to read the responses in this thread. I really thought more of you would look up to and have the deepest, utmost respect for Dr. Paul. It literally breaks my heart to see him retire. We have NOBODY else left in congress to carry the weight that man carried on his back for the last 30 plus years. All by himself, he fought tooth and nail to carry the weight of the message of freedom on his back, and it wasn't until his last few years that he got the recognition he deserved. Sadly that recognition didn't come from any of his peers or colleagues,  but from the entire generation of youth who were smart enough and intellectually free enough to understand how much of a hero he really was and is. There has NEVER been another politician who stuck by his principles and what he believed in like Ron Paul did. Not ONCE did he change positions, contradict himself, or vote against his libertarian ideals. You will NEVER find another statesman like him who really cared that much about his countrymen and the fundamental universal rights of man, and not about power or money. He was a one-of-a-kind man, and personally I believe he deserves to go down as an equal to the likes of MLK and Ghandi. He had no other motivation for spending his entire career standing by himself against the rest of congress, other than to fight for our freedom. This is going to offend many of you, but I truly believe he has done more for defending my freedom than any soldier in the US military. The man deserves nothing but praise, love, and admiration. He has earned the right to go down as a legend, a true American hero, and most likely the last true statesman we'll ever have.


I've watched it at least 10 times and it ALWAYS moves me so much, fills my heart and soul with overwhelming purpose and inspiration.

One of the few times, maybe the only time, when a movie so anti-government was so successful! That alone we must appreciate and be grateful for. In the history of the world, it has not been very common to see the state allow such popular criticism to reach the masses. Even today, I am sure the powers that be have plenty of pull in Hollywood, but this is a message they could not suppress even in the slightest bit.

The dystopia that the movie portrays is a very real possibility which is not too far away in our own real future if we don't prevent it. Governments are growing towards this more and more each year. Unfortunately though, we don't have a charismatic action-hero revolutionary, who happens to be a master of martial arts, fencing, and explosives to lead us against tyranny.  :'(

One of my favorite quotes is in the beginning when after V's crazy introduction speech, Evey asks him, "Are you like a.... crazy person?" and V replies "I'm quite sure they will say so." That hits so close to home about what it's like to be a libertarian/an-cap like me. I cannot tell you how many people assume I am mentally disturbed or some degree of crazy, just because I am aware of our enslavement to the state and because I'm not easily brainwashed. Even now I know many of you reading this are already thinking to yourselves that I must be crazy.  ::)

What we all need to hear, is the message V gives on the emergency channel to the whole country. He gets everyone's attention and explains to them that they, the citizens, are the real ones to blame for allowing the government to take their freedoms. For allowing tyranny to come to power to give them a false sense of security. That is exactly what is happening in the world right now! They brainwash you to trust them to protect you from "terrorists", and all you have to do in exchange is agree to give them absolute power. As V says in the speech, "But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty you need only look into a mirror. "

Another part of this movie I really loved was the messages on the toilet paper from Valerie. The relationship she had with V, even though V never got to say anything back to her, is so moving. That was nothing but pure love for another human being, without any reason or even any knowledge of the person she was writing to. And how V was inspired to go on the entire vendetta, all because of her. The roses he gave to the victims and the shrine in his home, signs of how much he loved her and how all this revenge was to avenge the evil that was done to such a beautiful soul. This always reminds me of how important it is to love our fellow man in every sense of the word. How if we really are to evolve to a voluntary society, we have to have love in our hearts for each other, and eradicate senseless and unjustified hate.

To wrap up my little rambling 2 cents about this great movie, I will leave you with what may be my favorite quote from the whole movie, and a personal motto that I have stolen from V and have been trying to incorporate into my own life every day:

Evey Hammond: [reads] Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici.
V: [translates] By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.
Evey Hammond: Personal motto?
V: From "Faust".
Evey Hammond: That's about trying to cheat the devil, isn't it?
V: It is.


Silk Road discussion / MOVED: Identity Revealed!
« on: November 15, 2012, 03:29 am »
This topic has been moved to recycle bin (http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?board=11.0).


Silk Road discussion / Re: update
« on: November 14, 2012, 10:48 am »
hi guys,

i still get the maintenance page when i acces the SR site.

what am i doing wrong as i am a vendor.

with kind regards,

the game

Try hitting ctrl+f5 when your on that page.

Silk Road discussion / Re: update
« on: November 14, 2012, 09:40 am »
I wonder where all those jackasses who were so positive that we were running off with their money have gone?  ::)

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