Whether your here for the revolutionary evolution of mankind or not, if it wasn't for the concepts of Agorism and Austrian economics, then this site would have never been created. And compare our site, driven by the spirit of changing the world, to other sites such as BMR who are only here for the money. Notice a difference? Deny it or embrace it, completely up to you, but its hard to ignore the obvious. Also, what ideas do you think inspired the creation of bitcoin itself? Just some criminal's scheme to get around the law? Nope. This place is only possible because of those who think they can change the world, and so far I'd say it seems to be working.

As for the whole Mod issue. Stop with the conspiracies guys. You always rush to them whenever anything happens that we don't send out memo's about. We have our hands seriously full right now, and the forum is unfortunately just a secondary priority in comparison to the main site. I will talk to DPR and get some kind of explanation or official update for you guys. Just please try to understand how busy we are and be patient.