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Messages - inigo

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Adam Kokesh is one of my favorites. I also admire those behind the Free State Project and the Blue Ridge Liberty Project big time! Those of you in the US should consider migrating to those wonderful libertarian communities. An activist group I am very fond of is, you should all check them out.

Anything by Ron Paul is pure gold!!! One of my top 3 biggest personal hero's of all time. End the Fed is obviously a classic and would go perfectly with what we're currently reading. But if your going to be picking up some Ron Paul books, make sure you grab Liberty Defined. Its a super easy and very informative read that describes his libertarian views and proposed solutions to just about EVERY single issue you can think of, wonderful book for those interested in learning more about libertarian views.

Week 5 reading selection up

Customer support / Re: How do I make a deposit
« on: February 16, 2013, 02:01 am »
I've been getting a lot of reports about this. I have made multiple new test accounts, and have not been able to reproduce what you guys are describing. Every single time there is bitcoin address at the very bottom. So far the only pattern I've noticed among the people who are reporting this is that they are all brand new users. So a few possibilities are coming to mind. First  I thought maybe these new users don't know what a bitcoin address looks like, and don't realize what it is that they are looking for. But it seems unlikely that everyone would say that there is "nothing" after the "Once you are ready, send your deposit to this address:" line, if there was in fact a long string of letters and numbers at the very bottom. So now I am thinking that maybe the people who are experiencing this problem are accessing the site in a different way than I am, and maybe that's why I can't reproduce the error.

So I have a few questions for those of you who are experiencing this bug: Are you using TorBrowser on an actual computer? Or are you using some different tor app on a smart phone or tablet? Or maybe your on a computer, but your using one of those ".to" proxy websites, and not using TorBrowser like you should be. I have found in the past that some users who use those web proxy's often have problems with captchas, and maybe that same issue is causing them to have problems with the SR wallet bitcoin address. OR, if you are using TorBrowser, do you maybe have some kind of script blocking add-on installed/enabled?

The more of you I can get to answer these questions for me the quicker we can get to the bottom of what's going on.

OP updated for week 4 reading selection

OP updated for week 3's reading assignment.

Great discussion guys, makes me happy to see you all participating  :)

Welcome back Hungry ghost! great to see you with us again, I'm looking forward to your impressions of this book 

Thanks for those!

Everyone should stick to credit unions for their banking needs, that's a great way to take some power from the "cartels" and back into the hands of the people.

OP updated for week 2's reading assignment.

Great post impkin! Thanks for starting off the discussion! +1 to you!

bull3gern: I haven't heard about a migration towards credit unions, but that sounds like it would be a great start. can you cite any sources that reference this? I'd love to read more about it.

Security / Re: Stingrays aka IMSI-catchers
« on: January 24, 2013, 04:59 am »
Yeah I guess there's just no way to win. If you want to carry a cell phone, your signing away your right to privacy. What a bummer. Hopefully we can come up with a better way to communicate that doesn't reveal our location at all times.

Security / Re: Stingrays aka IMSI-catchers
« on: January 23, 2013, 03:36 am »
I wasn't talking about communications being intercepted, I'm primarily concerned with tracking. It's hard to get by in life without a cell phone in this day and age, and it would be nice if there was some kind of tweak or mod you could do to your phone to stop it from being used as a tracking device to monitor one's movements and location at all times. I get leaving it at home if your on the run, but us privacy buffs need a safe way to carry a mobile phone and not have to worry about big brother keeping tabs on where we sleep/eat/etc.

Security / Stingrays aka IMSI-catchers
« on: January 22, 2013, 12:05 am »
Any of you hackers out there working on ways to defeat this evil technology? I am having a hard time finding any info on counter-measures to this LE tool and am coming up with nothing. I know we have some smart cookies in our community here and I would love to get an education on what if anything has been or is being done to combat these things.

OP updated with first week's assignment. Dig in!

We'll have deposits and withdrawals re-enabled asap.  Any deposits sent, or withdrawals made in the last 6 hours will still be processed.  Sorry for the trouble.

DPR does this mean that I will get my 100 BTC back that disappeared on me last night?

I just took care of this for you, check your messages on the main site.

Week 20: The Creature From Jekyll Island (Section VI: Chapter 26 + Appendix)

THIS IS IT! The very last chapter and the last weekly reading assignment of this book.

Chapter 26 starts on page 565 and we will read through til the end, and then there is even an interesting Appendix after it that ends on page 595.

Read those 30 pages and we will have finally finished this monster of a book.  :P

I hope you guys enjoyed this wonderfully educational book, and more than that I hope you took away something much more meaningful from it. I truly wish that this book club serves as a source of intellectual inspiration for you, and gives you the food for thought your hungry mind needs to grow into a beautifully wise, aware, passionate, and motivated hero that our freedom movement so desperately needs.

Anyway back to the book, read the last 30 pages we have left, and write up a post here describing the impact this book as a whole has had on you, your opinion of the book and/or the federal reserve, or any feelings you have on the matter what-so-ever.


P.S. - Stay tuned for an announcement on the next book we will be reading. Also, I can't promise this 100%, but we are considering having another Movie Night before we start the next book. PM me with any suggestions or ideas you may have for a movie to watch. Keep the theme of this book club in mind when making movie suggestions. For example, last time we watched "V for Vendetta" (perfect example of the theme we're looking for, but obviously don't choose that as your suggestion since we already watched it :P)

Week 19: The Creature From Jekyll Island (Section VI: Chapter 25)

Ok boys and girls, we're getting really close to done with this book.

Let's go ahead and read chapter 25, and then next week we'll read the final chapter of the book.

See below for links to free digital versions of the book.

Week 18: The Creature From Jekyll Island (Section VI: Chapter 24)

This week we will start the final section, and read Chapter 24: Doomsday Mechanisms. There will be two more chapters after this one and then we will be done with the book.

Please read from page 505-536

Again, here are links to free digital versions:
The PDF file that we're hosting can be downloaded from: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/the_creature_from_jekyll_island_GEG.pdf
The EPUB can be downloaded from:

Week 17: The Creature From Jekyll Island (Section V: Chapter 22-23)

Sorry for the delay since last update.  :-[

We really need to get this book club into gear, and by the time we start our next book I would love to hear any ideas from you guys about how to make this place better, how to swell our numbers and recruit new readers, how to make this place more engaging and exciting. I know I haven't been the best leader, but I promise to dedicate much more time and energy if you guys can show me there are enough of you who would like to see a thriving book club. Please PM me with any ideas or suggestions you have.

As for this week, we need to play catch up a bit, as I'm sure many of you are ahead right now.

Let's read the next two chapters to finish off Section V, Chapters 22 and 23, which span from pages 451 to 503. Then next Friday we will begin the final section. Anybody have anything to add so far about how this book has affected them? What they have learned so far? Anything on this subject burning in your minds, needing a discussion?

Let's make this place a thriving hub of liberty-themed inspiration. I know you guys are out there, the ones who share this passion, and those who don't even know they share this passion yet.  ;)

For any of you just joining us, here are some links that you can download the book for free:
The PDF file that we're hosting can be downloaded from: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/the_creature_from_jekyll_island_GEG.pdf
The EPUB can be downloaded from:

Silk Road discussion / Re: Where has DPR been?
« on: January 12, 2013, 09:10 pm »
Also, in regards to the SR Quick Buy fiasco. If you see any listings with their pictures still affected, please report those listings immediately so we can take those pictures down, as I did with the listing mentioned in this thread. We did close the hole that allowed the code to enter our system, but all the pictures that were affected have to be dealt with individually, and for the vendors who are too incompetent to fix their own listings, the burden falls on you guys to report the listings you find.

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