« on: March 16, 2013, 05:43 am »
It's very easy for anyone to judge the way we run this place from where you all are sitting.
Scout, I appreciate you sticking up for and defending me and SR so valiantly, but you don't need to waste any more of your precious time on this subject. It appears no ones minds will be changed here.
There are thousands of users on this site, and only one of me. We do the best we can at catching scammers and banning them as soon as we gather enough proof, but I promise that's not as simple as you all make it out to be.
I wish I could show you all the evidence I have that connects Sam's account to notorious scammers in SR's past, I am confident it would convince you all equally if not more as it did me. I even presented the evidence to DPR to make sure that he agreed with this decision. But the truth is, we don't have many tools for connecting identities of anonymous accounts, and I would hate to compromise any of the few methods we do have for investigating these matters. The last thing I want to do is teach the biggest scammers how to cover their tracks from us.
Edar, I have banned eddys420 today. You were right about them and I apologize it took me so long to take them down, but you have no idea how many reports come in every day, and how many people I have on my list of vendors who need to be checked out. We're running this place as fair as humanly possible. There are many instances when we have banned top 1% vendors for something as small as getting too angry at a customer they were arguing with and letting a threat slip in their heated mindstate. We don't let scammers stay here because they bring in money. If a vendor is still here after some controversial activity and reports of scamming, then there is a fair and reasonable explanation. However that doesn't mean that the entire community is entitled to be privy to that explanation.