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Messages - inigo

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 9
I mean what I said in the OP, I really want to get this place thriving in time for the next book, I could use some ideas and suggestions. I know you guys have some good heads on those shoulders, PM me with what you got.

What is the "time for the next book"?

See the OP. Just updated it.

Depends on your definition of "winning".

You may never get the government to change their position, but that isn't the only way to win.

I am devoting my life to fighting and winning the war on freedom, and the "war on drugs" is more like just a battle in that war. The bigger picture however, has much more support then just those of drug users.

Off topic / Re: Who are you in real life?
« on: July 24, 2013, 08:34 am »
The baddest man alive.  8)

Silk Road discussion / Re: twitter
« on: July 24, 2013, 08:27 am »
Finally! Now we have a real presence on social media instead of imposters that end up getting cited as the real us in news articles. That always frustrated the hell out of me.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Too much happiness?
« on: July 22, 2013, 08:22 pm »
who are you, inigo?

A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Hello Silk Road community.
« on: July 12, 2013, 06:04 pm »
I have been around for almost a year now, and have never seen your name on the countless threads I've been on, You must be a busy man.
Nice to meet you mate.

I take it you've never poked your head in the book club then.

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Too much happiness?
« on: July 12, 2013, 05:47 am »
Lol I'm certainly not too happy, I was just reflecting on the extreme levels of depression in today's world and started wondering if it could be considered a problem to have the opposite issue. Clinical happiness. :P

The musings of a stoned philosopher...  :D

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Too much happiness?
« on: July 11, 2013, 07:25 am »
Is there such a thing as being too happy?  ???

Or, is it important to have a bit of a somber attitude mixed into your outlook on life to really appreciate and grasp the more serious realities of the world we live in? People are treated all the time for depression, being too unhappy. But I wonder if anyone get's treated for the opposite? I wonder how many therapists get clients who come to them because they are too fucking happy, and it's ruining their lives. Is there a 'depressant' pill that does the opposite of prozac and brings down your chirpiness?

Silk Road discussion / Re: Hello Silk Road community.
« on: July 11, 2013, 07:14 am »
I couldn't find such friendly and awesome people anywhere else. It's a shame I can't meet you guys in person. If I could I would travel the world hanging out with the coolest people on this forum and make some awesome friendships.

Forgive my rambling cheesiness, I've just finished vaporizing some of that super dank weed that leaves you smiling from ear to ear, stuck in a state of blissful nirvana.  :D

Who needs Prozac when this stuff exists?

That mankind will never break the chains of tyranny the state has clamped on us....

Silk Road discussion / Hello Silk Road community.
« on: July 10, 2013, 06:11 am »
Just wanted to say hi. I've missed you guys. Been so busy working behind the scenes that I've missed out on so much here in the forums.  :(

Anywho... Love you all.

In liberty,

There are no resolutions that have been under review for that long... They have all been reviewed in under 24 hours since the last time SR went down a few months back. Can you give me the transaction number so I can see if you are experiencing some kind of glitch?

Newbie discussion / Re: Address information for UK buyers
« on: July 06, 2013, 06:29 pm »
They aren't posting as a guest, it just seems that way. I don't want to give away how they are doing it because I don't want to encourage anyone else to do the same thing, but I promise there is no "inside job" conspiracy thing going on, as some have claimed.

Newbie discussion / Re: Address information for UK buyers
« on: July 06, 2013, 01:50 pm »
Thank you for reporting those posts and please continue to be vigilant. We need those posts to be reported as soon as they come up so we can take action and remove them.

OP updated, ran out of room with all the previous weeks updates, so erased all the old and I'm only keeping the new.

I mean what I said in the OP, I really want to get this place thriving in time for the next book, I could use some ideas and suggestions. I know you guys have some good heads on those shoulders, PM me with what you got.

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