If things went down how you described them, I could see where your coming from. However, it was nowhere near as black and white as you make it sound. I'm not going to reveal every little detail just to defend myself against your assumptions, but I will say that the picture you paint in your rant is far from accurate. I know I haven't given you guys any details or facts to paint the picture otherwise, but unfortunately that's not possible to do without getting too specific. I'll say all I can to explain myself, but you'll have to just take it for what it is, and make up your own minds. Obviously hindsight is 20/20, and there were things I should have done differently to prevent this situation, but it's not like I didn't have plans for this. All I'm going to say is that sometimes things happen you don't plan for, and I'm not just talking about the site getting seized. There were much more complexities involved that forced me to abandon my plans and destroy my key. Would I have done some things differently if I could go back? Of course. But it's not like I wasn't prepared for a bust. I just ended up having to ditch my emergency plans and go with the last resort, which was destroy everything and get to safety. Shit happens sometimes, and now I'm a stronger person for it. My plans are now much more robust and comprehensive, and I feel way safer than I ever did before. I'm adapting to the new challenges, risks, and problems that I'm now facing that I wasn't facing before. I'm playing things as safe as I can, and treading lightly going forward. That's all there is too it. Also, my very first post in this thread I stated my intentions about wanting to do nothing but restart the book club. I didn't just pull that out of my ass after the shit storm started. There will be those who will never believe me, and that's okay. Like I also said from the get-go, I don't blame anyone for their skepticism, and will never hold that against anyone. I am not going to take anything said in this thread personally. I just hope when my name gets cleared we can move forward with spreading and strengthening the ideals this place was built upon.