Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: BlarghRawr on October 11, 2012, 03:17 am

Title: Hate Spam? Report them. Here's how:
Post by: BlarghRawr on October 11, 2012, 03:17 am
For starters, go into BTkoin and pretend to make a purchase. Use paypal as your checkout then go until they give you the paypal account of this scammer. Report that account to paypal. (or hack it, what do I care?)

Next, go to and at the lower-right, use the "leave a message" to report btkoin as a scammer and for violation of the terms of service/AUP

Thirdly, go to and report the domain as being used for fraudulent/illegal activities.

And whenever this shit starts up again, check for the new site on to get the new details and report the site to the new hosting provider. I've already done my part, guys. You want the forums to not be filled with this shit? Do your part.
Title: Re: Hate Spam? Report them. Here's how:
Post by: drugfather on October 11, 2012, 04:11 am
Very good guide. Nice!
Title: Re: Hate Spam? Report them. Here's how:
Post by: Indica|Sativa on October 11, 2012, 07:58 pm
Quoted your post in the main Forum Alerts topic (http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=42091.0). Thanks for posting this.
Title: Re: Hate Spam? Report them. Here's how:
Post by: wretched on October 11, 2012, 08:08 pm
I|S, why not add the captcha option for posting?
Title: Re: Hate Spam? Report them. Here's how:
Post by: farmer1 on October 11, 2012, 08:09 pm
Very nice post! Thank you.