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Messages - indica9

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Product offers / Re: opium new vendor pricing ww free shipping 16usd a g
« on: September 29, 2012, 04:49 am »
sorry its steel wool the thing that u used to cleant pots and pans.

mates im started to get paranoid about the operation pangea v.

heard they are starting on 1st oct. as soon as i started this shit came up. what do u guys think. shall i lay low for this week??? as soon as i started if the pigs get any lucky my reputation will go down the drain. do u guys have any previous experience on this pangea anything got stopped???

i have lot of orders to ship on monday . im clueless. any ideas/suggestions  will be really appreciated


Product offers / Re: Ketamine New vendor 1g us33 ww free shipping
« on: September 28, 2012, 02:39 am »
well sure it is. i went on to hole with this shit. but i have taken out the listing for k. ill move on  with opi for time being. the o orders are pouring in and its too much. so i dont think its a wise idea at this point to mess myself up more. anyways two orders i accepted. once im bit comfortable will list the k again. cheers

Product offers / Re: opium new vendor pricing ww free shipping 16usd a g
« on: September 28, 2012, 02:19 am »
and one more thing i should add. dependency is extremely high. so even though im selling cheap plz mates be carefull with not abuse.  do not do it in a raw for three or four days or u will end up dreaming in a couch pipe after pipe. and believe me u will feel like shit to come out but let ur brain do the deciding and not the body.
all i want people to enjoy and not be slaves to what they take. then our whole mission would be lost. cheers

Product offers / Re: opium new vendor pricing ww free shipping 16usd a g
« on: September 27, 2012, 05:03 pm »
ok there are several methods of taking o.
u can chase it in a foil or in a pipe,  lay a tobacco layer on bottom, then o layer and a ash layer on top. use a lamp to light it. idea is not to touch the flame directly.

and u can boil lil bit of water add small piece of o dissolve make a tea. (mix irish cream or khalua/whisky goes with it very well)

my favourite method is the dmt machine. find a boiling tube , rubber cap with two halls , two straws one to pull and other to suck the air. lay some rock wool on bottom of the tube lay o piece on top of the rock seal it with rubber cap with straws. heat the tube with butane torch from outside.once the smoke is filled in tube smoke it up. kudos

will work the pgp out but to be honest its a pain in the ass. but guess i do not have a choice.

Product offers / Ketamine New vendor 1g us33 ww free shipping
« on: September 26, 2012, 06:33 pm »
check out my listing for dried ketamine 1gram. this is very strong stuff. not shipping from india but from a safer place in asia.


Product offers / Re: opium new vendor pricing ww free shipping 16usd a g
« on: September 26, 2012, 05:55 pm »
first of all thanks to triptonite for helping  me out and showing me the proper way to start the business in SR. yeah true i advertised before getting vendor status looking for coins and this guy helped me with coins and i really really appreciate.

i took the fe part so order with confidence and settle once u gets it. guess its fair thing to do when u start. im here to stay and not to get a buck and run away. the source is gorvenment aurvedic supply so product is top notch .

Im not posting the opium from india so do not worry . and maximum recorded delay time was to deutscheland which took once 26 days. was not on SR but i carry a rep for opi and for quality if u guys look around. its just we have rare precious product we like to share it with ppl who appreciate it and of course make a reasonable buck out of it.


Product offers / Re: opium new vendor pricing ww free shipping 16usd a g
« on: September 25, 2012, 02:15 pm »
i have mate will add it tonight. no problems

Product offers / opium new vendor pricing ww free shipping 16usd a g
« on: September 25, 2012, 11:12 am »
hi mate
im celebrating my grand opening as new vendor in SR. So im offering very rare premium smokable, edible opium a g for usd 16 with free shipping. check my vendor listing



Product requests / Re: Need opiate supplier Canada
« on: August 29, 2012, 08:01 pm »
there is a cheap legit opium dealer in topix. goes tenner for 100quids

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