Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: to be, or not to be... on October 04, 2013, 11:07 am

Title: Deepbay improves new escrow system
Post by: to be, or not to be... on October 04, 2013, 11:07 am
1. category: Sellers with 0 - 50 successful sale - 100% escrow

2. category: Sellers with 50 - 100 successful sale - 75% escrow

3. category: Sellers with 100 - 250 successful sale - 50% escrow

4. category: Sellers with 250 - 500 successful sale - 25% escrow

5. category: Sellers with 500+ successful sale - NO escrow


Example 1.

You have successful sales between 0 and 50.(100% escrow)

Your balance is 25 BTC.

-> 15 x 1 BTC transactions with {3},{4} or {5} rate

-> 10 x 1 BTC unrated transaction

In this case the max. withdraw amount is 15 BTC. (-3% fee)

[Balance] - 1.00 x (unrated transactions) = 25 BTC - 1.00 x (10 x 1 BTC) = 15 BTC


Example 2.

You have successful sales between 100 and 250.(50% escrow)

Your balace is 25 BTC.

-> 15 x 1 BTC transactions with {3},{4} or {5} rate

-> 10 x 1 BTC unrated transactions

In this case the max. withdraw amount is 20 BTC. (-3% fee)

[Balance] - 0.50 x (unrated transactions) = 25 BTC - 0.50 x (10 x 1 BTC) = 20 BTC


Example 3.

You have 500+ successful sales.(NO escrow)

Your balace is 25 BTC.

-> 15 x 1 BTC transactions with {3},{4} or {5} rate

-> 10 x 1 BTC unrated transactions

In this case the max. withdraw amount is 25 BTC. (-3% fee)

Title: Re: Deepbay improves new escrow system
Post by: to be, or not to be... on October 04, 2013, 11:14 am
source: deepbay4xr3sw2va.onion - News
Title: Re: Deepbay improves new escrow system
Post by: incubusdriver on October 04, 2013, 11:24 am
Why not just 100% escrow? Buyers can FE if they want, it's the risk they take though.... just because a vendor has 500+ sales doesn't mean they won't run away with hundreds of thousands like Tony did.
Title: Re: Deepbay improves new escrow system
Post by: to be, or not to be... on October 04, 2013, 01:47 pm
Why not just 100% escrow? Buyers can FE if they want, it's the risk they take though.... just because a vendor has 500+ sales doesn't mean they won't run away with hundreds of thousands like Tony did.

I don't know, but I mean correct sellers will appreciate this, because won't be exchange risk.
Title: Re: Deepbay improves new escrow system
Post by: shadrock on October 04, 2013, 02:51 pm