I want to tell you something about profesorhouse. I do not know him myself, but I have a college that used to train with him/group. From the information gathered so far, it seems like this is a hacker group with really good OPSEC and good penetration! And most believe they are based in Germany!
This guy / group is very dangerouse, I would stay so far away. The mod is doing the right thing in this situation It is also believed, this guy / gruop is sitting on a large amount of Bitcoin 20-60k range. But you all knew that.
As for this text, I have it translated to many different languages and back to English, that's why is so funny to read, im sorry for that. But this is for my own safety.
My group will soon unveil the new stitch to a previouse fraudsters who is to memory many people is very fresh.
We are so sure of this new scam that we are willing to publicly bet 500usd. But I need to talk to other people, how we can do this. I'll be in touch.
A spam filter for an adult forum, it has to be here a tough job for the moderators!