I really really really wish people would stop complaining about Mods not showing up or anythign like that.
I've been around since SR 1.0 and I don't know what it is, but there seem to be a shit ton more BABIES in this place.
Its like you all need a nipple to suck on and reassurance to say "it'll be okay".
I feel like, if you guys bitch enough, one day the site admins and devs will just pack this place up.
Appreciate what you have, stop complaining.
The site works great, i've been placing orders and i've even FE'd for some of the most trusted vendors on here. Everything is coming in. I've experienced the captcha issues, i'v experienced the negative balances, and i've experienced the disappearing balance. I've taken the time to figure out the problem and fix it myself.
Captcha issue? Open a new tab and try to load the page again. If that doesnt work. Drag the captcha into a new tab and the proper one should load. If that doesn't work exit TOR and reopen.
Wishy washy balances? Go ahead and hit the check for new balances button once or twice. If that doesn't work, log out, and log back in and then try the check balances link again.
PS. Hux, you're appreciated dude. Coming from an OG SR member who is thankful for what a darknet market has done for me and my financial situation. I appreciate you and everyone else in the background.