Silk Road forums
Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: mmmmonkey on January 22, 2013, 03:06 am
Will vendors adjust the prices of their product due to the high inflation of BTC? Kinda sucks how everything seems so expensive. I want to make another order soon, but not if the vendor prices stay the same and I'm paying 3$ more than the last time I bought BTC :\
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Most vendors have there products price pegged to the US dollar. It doesnt matter how much coins are. That 150 dollar item is still 150 dollars.
correct - the price of my product in bitcoins has been going down for days as the cost of bitcoins has been going up.
bart is correct and wins the gold star - almost all vendors tie to dollars :P
OH. I had no idea. Sorry about that.. That's good to know though, thank god
thanks for this thread. Thats how I always assumed it was but now its confirmed.
Glad I saw this as I was a little pissed because I bought 2 ounces of weed then the vedor reduced the price and Im like wtf I could have saved $100 but now it all makes sense I thought this would of been the case.
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