Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: noblesavage on January 16, 2013, 03:22 pm

Title: How to finalize early?
Post by: noblesavage on January 16, 2013, 03:22 pm
Hi I've just made my first two orders and was wondering how do I finalize early?

Both the status say processing and under auto finalize it says N/A

Title: Re: How to finalize early?
Post by: philbetter333 on January 16, 2013, 03:27 pm
Hi Noble,
 I am new too. I'm sorry I can't answer your question but I would also like to know.

Also noble, could you please let me know if your orders come through. I'm about to put in my first order today. I found a good older source I feel good ordering through. I'm not too worried, I've done a good bit of research.
Title: Re: How to finalize early?
Post by: acider on January 16, 2013, 03:29 pm
The vendor has to mark "in transit" and then you ll be able to finalize.
Don't do it if you re not comfortable with the seller and the amount of money, research him on the forums if you haven't done that already.
Title: Re: How to finalize early?
Post by: g01d3n on January 16, 2013, 03:50 pm
What acider said; when the vendor mails the package out, the FE button should be selectable.
Title: Re: How to finalize early?
Post by: dreams189 on January 16, 2013, 04:09 pm
Noblesavage, just wondering, why do you want to Finalize Early? If you are a new user trying out a vendor for the first time, I would not recommend this. I've only FE'd in rare cases where I had a great relationship with the vendor (after multiple transactions over multiple months). 
Title: Re: How to finalize early?
Post by: grahamgreene on January 16, 2013, 04:49 pm
Something else to note is that if a vendor has less than 35 transactions you cannot finalize until 3 days after your item has been marked in transit. I would recommend however that you go with a vendor that does not request FE for orders.

Escrow is there for your protection; use it!

- grahamgreene
Title: Re: How to finalize early?
Post by: aligibbs on January 16, 2013, 05:12 pm
I know you have the answer to your question but I just also wanted to say don't F.E. Even if you are a new buyer there are legit vendors that will allow new customers to stay in escrow. I know going through all the vendors and reading their pages etc is a pain but I recommend trying to always stay in escrow, it's a good practice to get in to. Granted it was a year ago but I managed to do all my transactions in escrow.

Do a little research and save the risk :)

(That said, many vendors that want you to F.E. are genuine and will deliver your goods, but better to be safe than sorry!)

Have fun! :)