Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: KaptainK on October 13, 2012, 02:30 am

Title: New member
Post by: KaptainK on October 13, 2012, 02:30 am
Hey SR, firstly I want to say that I am simply amazed at the market/community and the bastion of liberty, respect, and professionalism that it is! 

 To introduce myself a bit, I am currently studying biochem/chem eng with plans for eventual graduate work in psychopharmacology.  I am primarily interested in psychedelics and dissociatives so any pointers towards good vendors in that regard would be greatly appreciated.  Iboga and Ketamine are especially impossible to find in my area  :-\
Title: Re: New member
Post by: BigBill6778 on October 13, 2012, 02:31 am
welcome aboard
Title: Re: New member
Post by: exprmntal3k on October 13, 2012, 01:24 pm
New to teh road. Welcome welcome thank you thank you. cheers evrybdy.
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Niriane on October 13, 2012, 03:17 pm
Welcome to the Road! Enjoy your stay here. :)
Title: Re: New member
Post by: longissimus on October 13, 2012, 04:44 pm
Welcome. Do some browsing in the forums and marketplace to find your needs.
Title: Re: New member
Post by: grahamgreene on October 13, 2012, 10:00 pm
Hey SR, firstly I want to say that I am simply amazed at the market/community and the bastion of liberty, respect, and professionalism that it is! 

 To introduce myself a bit, I am currently studying biochem/chem eng with plans for eventual graduate work in psychopharmacology.  I am primarily interested in psychedelics and dissociatives so any pointers towards good vendors in that regard would be greatly appreciated.  Iboga and Ketamine are especially impossible to find in my area  :-\

Hi KaptainK,

Welcome to the community.  :)

As far as Iboga is concerned, there are currently only 2 vendors offering it on Silk Road, with one vendor being brand new and as yet unrated.
The Italian vendor Yeshua, however, is a highly trusted vendor with excellent reviews on all of his products. I would recommend you go with him for your Iboga needs.

Best of luck on your SR travels!

- grahamgreene
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Aidoneus on October 15, 2012, 07:12 pm
grahamgreene covered your iboga needs very nicely. However, in the future, just read through some of the feedback a vendor has. Additionally, most vendors typically have a thread either in the Rumor Mill or Product Offers subforums that can usually be found in their SR profile information. Be sure to check those threads out for any vendor you're interested in as they often have great and detailed information about everything form communication and packaging to shipping times and product quality.

Welcome and stay safe.
Title: Re: New member
Post by: Zulu on October 15, 2012, 09:16 pm
Hello welcome to the road! :)