Silk Road forums
Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: Dutch1337 on October 11, 2012, 04:14 pm
does anyone know how i can go about doing this?
Hi Dutch1337,
Bumping your own threads is not appreciated here; it is essentially spamming.
If someone has information pertaining to the topic at hand, they would have replied to you. I imagine the reason nobody is responding, however, is because you've given no information about what you want to do apart from wanting to make 'fake Transit passes'. You've given no indication as to why you want them (I presume it's to travel for free), what country the Transit passes are needed for, or your proficiency with Adobe or Corel suites etc. which you would most likely need in order to produce a passable replica.
Forgive the expression, but if you're looking for somebody to hold your hand and wipe your ass for you, you're in the wrong place.
- grahamgreene
Hi Dutch1337,
Bumping your own threads is not appreciated here; it is essentially spamming.
If someone has information pertaining to the topic at hand, they would have replied to you. I imagine the reason nobody is responding, however, is because you've given no information about what you want to do apart from wanting to make 'fake Transit passes'. You've given no indication as to why you want them (I presume it's to travel for free), what country the Transit passes are needed for, or your proficiency with Adobe or Corel suites etc. which you would most likely need in order to produce a passable replica.
Forgive the expression, but if you're looking for somebody to hold your hand and wipe your ass for you, you're in the wrong place.
- grahamgreene
You are very right i apologize for m ignorance. I live in the New York/ New Jersey area and I am looking to make a fake NJ Transit monthly pass. It has a black light image on i and also has a reflective top this can be seen b typing in NJ Transit monthly pass into Google on clearnet. the only problem would have is the kind of paper i would need and the reflective strip. Do you or anyone know how to determine the correct paper to use? Also where would be a good place to look for a reflective strip or making one. I am decent in adobe suites but not amazing.
You are very right i apologize for m ignorance. I live in the New York/ New Jersey area and I am looking to make a fake NJ Transit monthly pass. It has a black light image on i and also has a reflective top this can be seen b typing in NJ Transit monthly pass into Google on clearnet. the only problem would have is the kind of paper i would need and the reflective strip. Do you or anyone know how to determine the correct paper to use? Also where would be a good place to look for a reflective strip or making one. I am decent in adobe suites but not amazing.
I have made out like a bandit in the past creating fake transit passes. They sell better than drugs and the mark up is huge. The only problem is that it is a cat and mouse game with transit, they will change the design and you have to start from square one.
Reflective foils, holograms, magnetic stripesm, fancy barcodes and black light ink are all fakable. Just ask any fake id maker. I am not going to explain to you how that is done.
PM me if you are willing to mail some samples to me. I would need about 5 preferably from at least 2 different months. Expired passes are fine.
If I am able to make them I can offer them on SR.
Id be interested in them as well for the NJ/NY area problem is I dont have any old passes. However while riding the bus I have noticed the driver usually does not actually take the pass, but just looks at it, so it shouldn't be to hard. The best bet would be to go out and but the holographic tape and any special ink needed and just print them.