Silk Road forums

Support => Technical support => Topic started by: uluz on September 20, 2012, 09:55 pm

Title: ?¿Pin Code¿? What it is and where to get it?
Post by: uluz on September 20, 2012, 09:55 pm

topic tells it..

Topic tells it
Title: Re: ?¿Pin Code¿? What it is and where to get it?
Post by: FollowIcculus on September 20, 2012, 10:15 pm
You set it when you made your account.
Title: Re: ?¿Pin Code¿? What it is and where to get it?
Post by: uluz on September 21, 2012, 09:58 am
Oh shit.  Dont remember that. Can some administrator  help me?
Title: Re: ?¿Pin Code¿? What it is and where to get it?
Post by: madc0w on September 22, 2012, 09:21 pm
HELP!  me too.  this is a new requirement to place an order?  what is my pin?
Title: Re: ?¿Pin Code¿? What it is and where to get it?
Post by: grahamgreene on September 22, 2012, 09:39 pm
Please search the forums before posting threads about issues that have already been answered or dealt with.

In order to reset your PIN you will have to follow the process detailed in the first post of the following sticky (under the title "The Infamous PIN":

I have pasted it here for your convenience:

The Infamous PIN

Support gets more PIN related messages than anything else. They'd get half as many of these or less if everyone understood the reset process a little better.
1. Enter 5 incorrect PINs to lock it. At this point an automated message will be sent to you by Support, notifying you to reply "in 7 days," meaning after at least 7 days, to have your PIN finally reset.
2. Wait 7 days. Not 4 days, not 2 days, and certainly not 5 minutes. Feel free to wait 14 days, just make sure it's 7+.
3. Reply and wait for new message telling you to log out and in.
4. Log in and set new PIN.

Why does Support make you wait 7 days to have your PIN reset? It's in case your account has been compromised, and someone else is attempting to empty your wallet. Assuming any identifying information may be compromised with your account, the one thing Support can do is give you a week to find out that someone else locked your PIN and message them that it wasn't you, before they can take your money.

There is no other way to reset your PIN, and it is your responsibility to ensure you remember it.

- grahamgreene