Silk Road forums
Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: jmatts on August 11, 2012, 03:28 am
I am . 6.3 BTC short on an order I custom made with the vendor on the SR. I don't know what to tell him because the listing he is doing is custom and I don't want to mess up this vendor connection. If there is anyone who could possibly help you will get reimbursed double. My Silk Road account name you can send it to is nbeaupre
send me a PM or put a message on this forum if you can help. Thanks!!!
.63 BTC
I dunno 6 bucks? shit man. id help if i had that much in my account
I know it's alot but any helps man!!!
If you can?
Any help would be appreciate,a lot!!! Thanks!!!
please help if you cna!!! ICANSEE, I know your a scammer who goes by PERKY, and MONEYMAN1 alos. You have scammed alot of people out of their hard earned money,you scum bag!!!!!!!!1
I am someone who really needs help with about .7 BTC
please someone I will be foreever in your debt for this .7 BTC I so desperetly need!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why cant you go and get 1 more coin? it's not hard mate
where can I get 1 coin? if you could just help that would be great!
please help!!!
Please help with the .7 BTC I am short. nbeaupre
that is the username you can send it to on The Silk Road.
If there are any kind souls who can help with any of my .7 BTC shortage I would be greatly appreciative, and will pay you back the beginning of next week......gauranteed. I you could find it in you to please help me with .7 btc or any at all it will be refunded plus some extra,[.5BTC extra]
In six months I have never been short. SO it really sucks being short just .7BTC when a half of a year has gone by and I haven't been short any BTC. My BTC address is : 1P5gnQ6obk8SodKnsxXw4SQtW2oqivjbpS
OR MY USERNAM you can send it to is nbeaupre
Hi jmatts,
Your incessant bumping of this thread is going to earn you no favours or donations from anyone. Others shouldn't have to part with their money simply because you failed to buy enough extra Bitcoin to protect you from the possibility of a value increase.
Contact your vendor, tell them that due to price fluctuations you're X amount short, and ask if they're willing to re-list the custom order at a slightly lower price and you'll send them the difference directly when you buy your next lot of Bitcoin. Some vendors are willing to compromise on prices in good faith, others aren't.
If this vendor DOES agree, then make sure that you DO repay them the difference.
- grahamgreene
i know but I need help this one time!!!
I don't mean to be harsh, but contact your vendor and you may well get it.
- grahamgreene
I know I am really anoying but if you or anyone could help me with the .7BTC I would pay you back Monday plus some extra,probably at least double
PLEASE your help will be repaied greatly
Just tonight I need the BTC and will reimburse tomorrow. I am a SR buyer for a half yer with almost 500BTC spent. I will def. return the favor plus some extra!!!!!
I am serious about the extra BTC
I think the odds of somebody donating coins to you are virtually zero. You certainly won't get it from me - when I first came to SR I had an abundance of Bitcoin and helped a number of people out who were short on orders, without asking them to pay me back. They all said the would anyway, of course, but only 2 ever did. That's no problem, I didn't want it back anyway, I was just doing it to help out the community. So I've "served my time" in the Bitcoin donation arena, so to speak.
Since then there's been a huge influx of users, many of whom seem to forget that Bitcoin is relatively volatile where it's value is concerned. Purchase a few more than you'll need. At the very least, you can use them on your next order or two.
I have to ask though, if this were a genuine request and not just an attempt to get some free Bitcoin, is there a reason you can't contact your vendor?
Which vendor is it? Some outrageously kind soul may consider issuing you a gift voucher that can only be spent with that specific vendor.
- grahamgreene
The vendor is MR.NICE. I am short .7 on a bag of weed. A gift voucher is fine
I can't find "MR.NICE." or any variation thereof using the search function on the main site.
The only advice I can give is contact him about the issue. Nobody is going to donate to you here.
- grahamgreene
I was gonna loan you the BTC just to shut you up until I noticed you asking people for a loan on 8/4/12.
I was gonna loan you the BTC just to shut you up until I noticed you asking people for a loan on 8/4/12.
Aw, you ruined my game spasmolytic! :( :P Nicely done though!
I was gonna loan you the BTC just to shut you up until I noticed you asking people for a loan on 8/4/12.
Aw, you ruined my game spasmolytic! :( :P Nicely done though!
My sincerest apologies sir. It is quite fun striping these guys, but I wanted to warn anyone thinking of lending him coin because he might be making a killing from people wanting to help someone in need.
holy fuck kid.... im .54 short on an order, and i haven't asked a single person, thats like rule # 2 or 3 of the forums... i watched a guy today get arrested for panhandling in front of a kohls, this isn't much different ;)