Quote from: heavysmoker on April 29, 2013, 11:39 pmYour order will not auto finalize, DPR turns off auto finalize when the site goes downIt is important to note that auto-finalisation has only been turned off once when the site has been down (recently, due to the extended outage).The general rule for orders is that if it has not arrived by day 10, place it into resolution requesting a 5 day extension. Extensions kick in after the 17 day auto-finalise period has expired, so if you put it into resolution on day 10 requesting a 5 day extension and it is accepted, it will be another 12 days (the 7 day period that is left, plus the 5 day period requested) before an Administrator sees it again in the resolution center.Once an order is in the resolution center it will not auto-finalise. It is also considered bad etiquette to wait until the moment before auto-finalisation to request an extension as the vendor will be expecting their funds to be released to them on day 17, only for the order to be put into resolution at the last minute and an extension being requested.This will generally protect you for most site outages as they have rarely lasted longer than a day or two in the past. This case is a little different, and the site is expected to be down for at least a few more days, but employing the process above in future will give you peace of mind, if nothing else.- grahamgreene