Quote from: Baconmmm on April 20, 2013, 04:04 pmIf not, is there another way I can retrieve that informationI presume you're using a Windows OS.Download a program called System Information for Windows (SIW) and run it. It's basically a tool for giving you information about your computer; you can get a portable version if you don't wish to install it.Once it's running you'll see a menu on the left hand side, and one of the clickable buttons should be 'Passwords'. Click on that. In the right hand pane you should see a list.Windows actually records the places that you put a username and password into in many instances (and records the actual username and password itself, though the password is not revealed in full by SIW), so if it recorded it in this instance then this MIGHT be able to show you the username for your btc-e account.- grahamgreene