Quote from: j8 on October 15, 2012, 01:33 amThis place is pretty mean for supposed druggies but I guess you're all powerful leaders of drug cartels rather than users, another noob error I've made.I had clicked account but the account links on the right looks very much like the news on the homepage so I missed it.As for the research, I read the wiki, and quite a few threads, the search turns up no results - go try it before telling me it works.Don't jump to conclusions that everybody who is new is a retard. I'm sure you've all missed something that's right in front of your face before and don't consider yourselves retarded. I have done plenty of research and read every article I've found. Looked for the best exchangers and reviewed multiple wallets. I'm going to go struggle my way thru my PGP key now cos I'm a stupid noob who doesn't deserve help getting started grrrr.I'm not a 'druggie' myself, so I suppose I'm allowed to be mean because I'm a stiff. I do run a drug cartel though. It's very small, and entirely powerless, but I'm working on it!Search works perfectly. For instance, searching the term "becoming vendor" throws up 12 pages of results, though I'll admit not all the results are relevant. However, on the first page alone there are 3 pertinent topics; one with no replies to it, and two - which I have linked below - with the information you were looking for:http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=21699.msg222507#msg222507http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=48633.msg506668#msg506668Go try using the Search function before telling me it doesn't work. ;)I didn't jump to any conclusions, I used the evidence presented by you to make the logical presumption that if you can't figure out the most basic aspect of vending here - that is, the act of actually becoming a vendor - then you're probably not cut out for vending. There is a distinct difference between jumping to conclusions about someone - an act which is usually based entirely on hearsay or rumour - and making a logical presumption based on the evidence presented by the person in question.I should also point out that I don't "jump to conclusions that everybody who is new is a retard". There are many, many new people here - both buyers and sellers - that don't require someone to hold their hand throughout the respective processes of buying and selling.I commend you for the research that you've done thus far, but it is apparent that you need to a good deal more before you start vending. Have you developed a secure 'cashing out' system, for instance? If you need help with understanding how PGP works, Pine very kindly runs the PGP Club to help people get their heads around it; you'll find that thread here:http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=30938.0One of the threads I posted above (help becoming cannabis vendor) actually has a great deal of informative links in it that should help you further. I'm not an asshole, though I may have come across as one in this thread. I simply cannot abide people that will inevitably put members of this community at risk.- grahamgreene