Quote from: hgman on October 14, 2012, 12:25 amFirst of all, I haven't done anything with the money I have received. If my buyers are at risk at this point then there is something wrong with the system implemented by Silk Road. Having said that, it doesn't really matter if I found out now, or if I had found out before. I thought the whole point of this forum was to help people for the benefit of the SR community, I suggest you either have some useful to say, or keep your comments to yourself.I didn't say your buyers are at risk at this point, I said they would be at risk should you come to the attention of the authorities as your security seems to be incredibly lax / non-existent.It certainly does matter whether you found out how to cash out now or beforehand; doing your research before you jump into something two feet first would suggest that you are somebody who employs a logical thought process, thus decreasing the possibility of irrational behaviour - irrational behaviour generally makes a person a risk to anything that they are involved in.The point of this forum IS to help people and to benefit members of the Silk Road community; the forum is NOT here to advise people how to launder their money, as discussing them openly would put those methods at risk.I did indeed say something useful for the members of this community - I urged you to reveal your vendor name so as people can avoid doing business with you. Suggest all you wish, hgman, but freedom of speech reigns supreme here; if I have something to say, regardless of whether you deem it 'useful' or not, I'll say it.- grahamgreene