Quote from: TNY on September 14, 2012, 02:10 amAll this Fascist propaganda should be incinerated, along with fascists themselves, i hope any Nazi buying this garbage gets scammed too, you deserve it for being an ignorant sub human.No Pasaran!This is an agorist marketplace TNY, thus MrsNice is free to sell anything she wishes as long as she doesn't contravene the rules put in place to protect the marketplace, and protect against scammers. For you to suggest that this person is 'an ignorant sub human' simply because they wish to sell something is in itself incredibly ignorant. I don't care what your personal, religious or moral beliefs are; this is an agorist marketplace, and there is absolutely no place for "religion" or a "holier than thou" attitude. You may wish to read up on agorism, and I suggest a quick Google search in order to do so.The items MrsNice is talking about are not propaganda, they are historical items. If you are offended by them and wish to restrict their sale, then quite frankly you have no place being here.