Quote from: punkst0ner on August 30, 2012, 06:20 pmWhen someone tries to give the impression that they know a lot but really they know pretty much fuck all, they are very easy to trip up.If he was studying BUSINESS or ECONOMICS, please tell me why someone would go to the expense of acquiring and equipping a lab, along with the risk that entails, when you can easily import a commercially manufactured and certified product for pennies totally legally?Where is the business sense in this act, and how does it make economic sense?Like I said before, I have to raise the bullshit flag. High and proud. Plus if you did have a lab, it would be the last thing you went mouthing off about. On an anonymous forum or otherwise.Very true, it's easy to trip a liar up. However, there has been no indication of this yet.Limetless has never stated that he is studying Business or Economics; a poster here stated that it may be a possibility, therefore it is again pure conjecture. Going through the expense of acquiring and equipping a lab, along with the risk that that entails when you can easily import a commercially manufactured and certified product for pennies totally legally may sound crazy, but everybody has their reasons. One may be that importing large quantities of scheduled / illegal products carries a huge risk, greater in fact than running your own lab to produce them. When running your own lab you have complete control over your security. When importing, you are relying on some one else to get your goods through customs and you assume that if they're caught, they're not going to flip. All it takes is for one customs official to get suspicious and you may end up having your shipment tracked, which will inevitably lead law enforcement to it's destination point: you and your lab.The cost of acquiring and equipping a lab looks all the more inviting, and makes more sense, when your freedom is entirely dependent on your operational security.I fully agree with you though that mouthing off about owning a lab is very silly indeed, if you do in fact own and run one.I also commend you for calling things out as you see them; that's a helpful trait to have on a forum such as this, but making claims based on pure conjecture which are ultimately unverifiable is pointless. You can't be right or wrong no matter what, so it doesn't make sense to make the claims in the first place.It is only right that we allow Limetless to answer these questions himself, should he choose to do so. If he chooses not to, that's his choice. DPR felt it appropriate to make Limetless a mod, on another moderator's recommendation. I don't necessarily fully support that decision, but it was DPR's to make and I'm sure, given his / her attitude towards freedom of expression that he / she did not make that choice lightly.I know it seems like I'm jumping on your at every opportunity here but I'm not, I'm just pointing out logical fallacies as I see them and trying to defend someone who has, as of yet, done nothing wrong at all. I would do the same for you, and for any other member of this community if they were also facing accusations based on pure conjecture.