Quote from: Ear2theWind on August 27, 2012, 04:26 pmWell well.... "BossHogg", you dirty low-life gangster, your time has come. This is the Officer whose ear was shot off by you 14 years and counting ago. Can you hear me now? I swore you would not only do your 12, but have me on your ass for life, and now you've fucked up, and I've got ya, ya little bastard! Do you know what it's like to only hear one half of a duet? To go through life knowing that you will never fully enjoy the beauty of dolby stereo movie sound? To hear 'HEADS UP' on the golf course, not know witch way to turn, and get plunked with the ball in the back of the head every god-dammed time!!!! Well i've got you now you no-good lobe'killing son-of-a-bitch and you will pay son!!! YOU WILL PAY!!! I've got your jacket on the table right in front of me, and it would be ohhhh so easy to just type your RL info on this thread knowing you'd be ripped to shreds in a feeding frenzy of fiending speed freaks bent on cheap tweak and looking for thrills...... but no..no.. that would be too easy...Again I ask....CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW???Keep your eyes open "Boss". I'm coming for ya, and when I get there, neither one of us will hear me.I lol'd! ;D