Depending on how compressed your weed is, it can be almost brick-like, or if you request that it not be compressed too much, your vendor will normally vacuum-seal the inner bag loosely, then vacuum the two outer bags tight. There's a potential trade-off between either low compression with only adequate security and high compression and excellent security, and I think its better to receive the product compressed than not to receive it at all.If you're grinding it up you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much you get from what you put into your grinder! ;) The amount is still the same, the weight is still the same, its just smaller, so that little 1cm square nug has more weed in it than the 1cm nug of uncompressed green! Aesthetics is really the only reason I can see for non-compression, but if you're grinding it up and smoking it then you're not really gonna be spending too long looking at it! :P