Silk Road forums
Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: isallmememe on October 05, 2013, 02:32 am
they never found any indication a murder actually took place. did they actually find who this friendlychemist guy was irl? did they find this redandwhite dude?
what if dpr suspected the feds were getting onto him and the whole friendlychemist hitman thing was just a hoax to draw out the feds, force them to play their hand to see if they really were inside the sr or not. its a very possible scenario and would certainly explain why no evidence was found of any murder actually taking place.
or he got scammed. For a smart guy he sure did a bunch of stupid fuck ups
or he got scammed. For a smart guy he sure allegedly did a bunch of stupid fuck ups
There was a cocaine vendor on here called "Nob" (not to be confused with nod). My intuition told me he was LE from the beginning. Apparently DPR was brokering a cocaine deal with someone, I believe this someone was nob. Nob claimed he knew DPR personally and they were doing a deal together. He was also selling kilo quantities of cocaine on SR on a new account. Then on the vendor forum, a guy name googleyed1 claimed he not only got ripped off by Nob but much worse. Nob did his deals by storing the "product" in a self storage unit whereby the buyer had to go pick it up. I think a bust happened that googleyed1 didn't want to talk about. I'm trying to find the thread. But I think SS was DPR and it all started from there.
I found the thread: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=120169.0
Nob contacted DPR to find a buyer for bulk coke. DPR contacted googleyed1 and gave him BTC to buy the coke and receive it at his house. Nob who was an undercover LE, sent the "coke", a controlled delivery was done and googleyed1 was busted. DPR thought googleyed1 was going to talk to LE so he hired nob to have him killed. Nob sent him fake photos of the killing and got paid the balance.
There was a cocaine vendor on here called "Nob" (not to be confused with nod). My intuition told me he was LE from the beginning. Apparently DPR was brokering a cocaine deal with someone, I believe this someone was nob. Nob claimed he knew DPR personally and they were doing a deal together. He was also selling kilo quantities of cocaine on SR on a new account. Then on the vendor forum, a guy name googleyed1 claimed he not only got ripped off by Nob but much worse. Nob did his deals by storing the "product" in a self storage unit whereby the buyer had to go pick it up. I think a bust happened that googleyed1 didn't want to talk about. I'm trying to find the thread. But I think SS was DPR and it all started from there.
I found the thread: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=120169.0
Nob contacted DPR to find a buyer for bulk coke. DPR contacted googleyed1 and gave him BTC to buy the coke and receive it at his house. Nob who was an undercover LE, sent the "coke", a controlled delivery was done and googleyed1 was busted. DPR thought googleyed1 was going to talk to LE so he hired nob to have him killed. Nob sent him fake photos of the killing and got paid the balance.
Thread is gone!
The thread is still alive, I was able to access it just now.
The thread is still alive, I was able to access it just now.
not getting it to open either..... :o
funny, i heard a different story that involved friendlychemist blackmailing dpr for 1/2 a million to stop him releasing the pi of thousands of sr users. that's the story in the media and i remember hearing all that shit a few months ago.
There was a cocaine vendor on here called "Nob" (not to be confused with nod). My intuition told me he was LE from the beginning. Apparently DPR was brokering a cocaine deal with someone, I believe this someone was nob. Nob claimed he knew DPR personally and they were doing a deal together. He was also selling kilo quantities of cocaine on SR on a new account. Then on the vendor forum, a guy name googleyed1 claimed he not only got ripped off by Nob but much worse. Nob did his deals by storing the "product" in a self storage unit whereby the buyer had to go pick it up. I think a bust happened that googleyed1 didn't want to talk about. I'm trying to find the thread. But I think SS was DPR and it all started from there.
I found the thread: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=120169.0
Nob contacted DPR to find a buyer for bulk coke. DPR contacted googleyed1 and gave him BTC to buy the coke and receive it at his house. Nob who was an undercover LE, sent the "coke", a controlled delivery was done and googleyed1 was busted. DPR thought googleyed1 was going to talk to LE so he hired nob to have him killed. Nob sent him fake photos of the killing and got paid the balance.
This doesn't make any sense.
DPR brokered a deal between Nob and googleyed1.
googleyed1 was subsequently arrested.
DPR turns to Nob (prime suspect number 1) to eliminate googleyed1.
Wouldn't happen. After googleyed1 was busted, all suspicion would be directed at Nob. He would be suspected of at least being an informant, or most likely an undercover law enforcement officer. DPR would not have then sought help from Nob to eliminate googleyed1.