Silk Road forums

Market => Product requests => Topic started by: rtykjb46 on December 16, 2012, 10:15 pm

Title: Seriously? No methaqualone?
Post by: rtykjb46 on December 16, 2012, 10:15 pm
I'm very surprised to never have seen methaqualone in any form being offered on SR during the months I've been a member.

From what I understand, synthesis is relatively easy and would not be outside the scope of a chem student. Failing that, its apparently an extremely popular drug in South Africa. And the demand would obviously be insanely high for this product that is essentially impossible to source elsewhere, but nonetheless rumored to be amazing.

Does anyone else have the interest in seeing this product on the road that I do? Does anyone believe they may have access to a source, or the ability to synthesize methaqualone?

Just to be clear though, I'm strictly referring to methaqualone, and not methylmethaqualone, or ethaqualone, or any of that far more dangerous stuff that doesn't work.
Title: Re: Seriously? No methaqualone?
Post by: SmoothriderX on December 17, 2012, 02:54 am
Access to Mandrax in SA is becoming extremely difficult.  It's had the sort of press for years that did crushable Oxy/Opanas in in months.  When a major buyer declares a pharmaceutical to have "no medicinal value, and a guaranteed potential for abuse," big pharma suddenly gets very disinterested in making the product any more. Especially when there are much safer/cheaper barbs, and the trend is to eliminate anxiolytic barbs almost entirely in favor of benzos even in "end-of-life" cases.

TL:DR: Not enough supply to meet demand.
Title: Re: Seriously? No methaqualone?
Post by: grdr on December 17, 2012, 09:02 am
Access to Mandrax in SA is becoming extremely difficult.  It's had the sort of press for years that did crushable Oxy/Opanas in in months.  When a major buyer declares a pharmaceutical to have "no medicinal value, and a guaranteed potential for abuse," big pharma suddenly gets very disinterested in making the product any more. Especially when there are much safer/cheaper barbs, and the trend is to eliminate anxiolytic barbs almost entirely in favor of benzos even in "end-of-life" cases.

TL:DR: Not enough supply to meet demand.

secobarbital or others have massive demand
Title: Re: Seriously? No methaqualone?
Post by: quinone on December 17, 2012, 02:45 pm
Someone should synth it though *cough lim cough*

There's an incredible demand for Quaaludes (Methaqualone),  esp. when you consider the nostalgia of of it's use in the 70's and our real desire to relive those good times.

I made a thread asking for methaqualone too, but was unfortunately met with just a bunch of people agreeing they want to see it, but unfortunately nobody that can source it on SR :(

You'd be fucking rich overnight if you're a chemist with a currently functional lab and it's relative ease to synthesize.  Get to it chemists :P (like I should talk :/)
Title: Re: Seriously? No methaqualone?
Post by: sourdieselman on December 18, 2012, 01:40 am
I feel you bro. Ive been searching the road for months for ludes. The major consumer is South Africa and the major supplier of South Africa is India. Ive tried to make connections in both countries with no avail. In South Africa you supposedly have to deal with real grimy people to get them in limited quantitys in india it is not something that the pharmacisist seem to have.  Let s pull together as a community and make a source for ludes. If for no other reason the challenge of it.
Title: Re: Seriously? No methaqualone?
Post by: fjones2 on December 18, 2012, 03:04 am
I too have searched for years on chem and research chem sites and have never come across this or another 70's special, PCP. I'm sure if I tried hard enough PCP would come around
but I get the feeling that unless I make methaqualone myself, I'll never taste it.
Come on chem gurus! This one would sell like nothing else on SR, I bet.
Title: Re: Seriously? No methaqualone?
Post by: gubidahubida on December 19, 2012, 06:19 am
Wow, I consider myself an expert on all psychoactive substances, but somehow this "methaqualone" slipped under my radar. Did a quick search, and it sounds like something I asap. Haha.

Yeah, what this man is saying is a good point. If it really is easy to cook, then it does seem like an opportunity to strike it rich. Hell, I'd be the cook if I wasn't working full-time.

I'll keep my eyes peeled in the coming months to see if anyone steps up to the plate. Until then, I'm just gonna to keep on munchin mushies, molly, and thc.
Title: Re: Seriously? No methaqualone?
Post by: googleyed1 on February 26, 2013, 03:46 am
subscribe to this; :D

Title: Re: Seriously? No methaqualone?
Post by: jerryskid on February 27, 2013, 06:30 pm
maybe it's not that hard for a chemist to make, becauase as any of you that can rember know there where almost asmany bootlegs as there were real scrip ludes. Those were the days for pharmies. Ludes, reds, tuinals, yellow jackets, dordens, preludin. i have not seen or heard of ANY of those pills in decades. the reds,tooeys, yellows were short acting barbituates seconal,tuinal,nembetol-very clean couple hours action. Dordens were similar to ludes, and preludin or BI was the most wonderful speed you have ever done. 10-12 hours of horny as hell bliss. The thing was these were very clean drugs, no hangover, no cancer side effects, didn't fuck with your head or cock, ludes were the perfect pill-great buzz,great body high,good night sleep with no hangover you could bang your knee on the coffee table and it felt good, they just made you feel wonderful :)
Title: Re: Seriously? No methaqualone?
Post by: rinran on February 27, 2013, 07:35 pm
Its not methaqualone, but its damn close, we have Methylmethaqualone for sale on the road (along with many other random chems)...

Give it a go!