Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: Junglist on April 08, 2012, 11:29 am

Title: Guardian article on Global Drug Policy change!
Post by: Junglist on April 08, 2012, 11:29 am
I've reloaded this article page quite a few times with new IP each time, 2nd most read article now.
Worth a read and hope more of you do to keep it at the top of the list for others to read.
Title: Re: Guardian article on Global Drug Policy change!
Post by: googleyed1 on April 08, 2012, 11:46 am
here here!!!

Title: Re: Guardian article on Global Drug Policy change!
Post by: AbraCadaver on April 08, 2012, 12:01 pm
I've reloaded this article page quite a few times with new IP each time, 2nd most read article now.
sputtering lol.

I really hope these guys stand up for their region over this. Central and South America have suffered too much over the United States' bullshit drug war for too long. In fact, so have the people of Central Asia. And the Middle East. And East Asia. And all over Africa. And Europe actually. Everywhere basically.

And arguably most of all in the USA itself. Although I don't buy that, the rest of the Americas has suffered more than the USA.

It's too late anyway, I don't think Silk Road's going anywhere, there is nothing the USA can do about it in the long term.
Title: Re: Guardian article on Global Drug Policy change!
Post by: clixor on April 08, 2012, 03:37 pm
Yeah, something IS gonna change. While the drug war in US is still about busting pimpled students with some weed (preferrably black ofcourse) whole cities in South and Mid America are being dominated by teen trafficantes with armories bigger than the army.
And as they are not depending on the blessing of the might Us of A anymore they soon will realize that legilazation is the answer.