Silk Road forums
Discussion => Shipping => Topic started by: RunningLion on March 31, 2012, 09:59 pm
How difficult would it be to source APIs in India, specifically oxycodone? I have the cash for the bulk purchase necessary. Basically, how much regulation is there? Is there a lot of paperwork? If so, are there audits of those or is it a formality? Would they let me "export it through a third party", thereby diverting it. Would they make me prove legitimacy or will a suit and business letter be enough?
without going out there and knowing a lot of people and having a lot of luck,
not possible :)
finding them is hard enough, but getting them out of the country is even harder.
No pharmacy company that I am aware of makes oxys in India.
Pfizer are bringing out the new Oxys called Oxceta that have some new ingredient that is supposed to stop abuse.
Some companies do however have the licence to obtain the raw ingredients that are used to make oxys and hence you can get them out the back door.
1 thing you will have no problem finding in India is fake oxys.
Any way good luck if you decide to go searching.