Resolution tips. 1. ALWAYS respond to the resolution center, if a vendor or buyer puts in X amount of refund, put in what you think is fair (counter offer) and put the reason. 2, ALWAYS communicate in the resolution center. Dont send Support a question about a resolution. Put in your issue in the RC as well as sending a message to SR support. 3.When we send a message warning you that a resolution is set to expire, look at it and respond to the RC. If you do these three things, you will have a much better experience in the RC. Granted, we aren't going to make EVERYONE happy, but we look at the buyers stats, vendors stats and the posts in the rc center and the offers.. We then do our best in making a decision. Whenever I see people unhappy about a resolution, most of the time they didnt do one or all of the above. When the vendor put in 1 percent refund, most likely there wasn't a counter offer by the buyer. Remember, when there is only one resolution offered and it expires (remember we send out warning pm saying its going to expire) the system will automatically do what that one person offered. The only time a live person looks at it is if there are resolutions submitted by both parties.. ~Flush