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Off topic / Suicide is not the answer!!!
« on: January 23, 2013, 06:33 pm »
I think there was a thread about this not too long ago. I just want to say to all those that have thought about suicide to get help, reach out, hell, reach out to anyone, a friend, boss, psychologist, whatever.. I almost lost someone I dearly love with a suicide attempt. Its not the answer all it will do is cause extreme pain to all those that care about you. you may not think anyone cares, but I assure you, someone does.... So, please, anyone considering that, please wait a few days and talk to someone before you do it... The pain of knowing that someone that I care about even attempted it is so unbelievably intense...


Silk Road discussion / Re: FUCKED OVER BY SR RESOLUTION
« on: January 23, 2013, 05:35 am »
I am going to lock this thread as I have asked bigbill to provide the transaction number so that I can look into it. Just to make sure we didn't make a mistake. He refuses to do so. Big bill, this is not the right way to handle your issue. Please contact vendor support with the information asked and we will look into it..


Silk Road discussion / Re: Ripped off by SR staff and vendor elvis
« on: January 02, 2013, 04:54 pm »
Resolution tips.

1. ALWAYS respond to the resolution center, if a vendor or buyer puts in X amount of refund, put in what you think is fair (counter offer) and put the reason.
2, ALWAYS communicate in the resolution center. Dont send Support a question about a resolution. Put in your issue in the  RC as well as sending a message to SR support.
3.When we send a message warning you that a resolution is set to expire, look at it and respond to the RC.

If you do these three things, you will have a much better experience in the RC. Granted, we aren't going to make EVERYONE happy, but we look at the buyers stats, vendors stats and the posts in the rc center and the offers.. We then do our best in making a decision.

Whenever I see people unhappy about a resolution, most of the time  they didnt do one or all of the above. When the vendor put in 1 percent refund, most likely there wasn't a counter offer by the buyer. Remember, when there is only one resolution offered and it expires (remember we send out warning pm saying its going to expire) the system will automatically do what that one person offered. The only time a live person looks at it is if there are resolutions submitted  by both parties..


After 4 days, you can cancel the order without it affecting your stats. (as long as the order isn't marked in transit)


I know that of 6 confirmations...
Well, then obviously it's an SR error.
I'm asking a compensation for this.
I'm waiting 2 ******* days on my money!


It's difficult as I can sympathise as I was in a similar position during "the outage" with 150BTC that went AWOL.

DPR fixed everything though along with an apology.

Given the time of year, I wouldn't expect anything to happen until at least the 3rd of January mate.

Once you provide DPR with the transaction ID and he cross references it for you he will pay you... SR Support are fucking useless but DPR will fix it for you, relax.

Simple reason as to why SR support cant help too much with a bitcoin wallet issue, they are always forwarded on to DPR and he handles them.. The support staff cannot do anything with wallet issues, except to verify that there is an issue.


Silk Road discussion / Re: Becoming a seller - Bond
« on: January 01, 2013, 06:39 pm »
The 500.00 sellers fee is the bond. When  you reach 1500.00 in sales and have 30 transactions and have been vending for 6 weeks, your eligible to ask us to review it to see if you qualify for your coins back.


I recently purchased a laptop with windows 8 truecrypt doesnt work with it yet, not does the ubuntu dual boot program. Im taking it back ASAP going to buy a windows 7 laptop fromm the interweb, i can still find them shipping with  windows 7... every program that I tried to install wouldnt work with 8...

Maybe they do now, but not 2 weeks ago... I still use xp on my desktop, but windows 7 ive heard is okay too... but windows 8, good hell, maybe it wont be so bad once the software will work with it..Ill look at it again in a few months or  a year from now, but so far, Im not liking it...


What do you mean we dont do anything about FE? The rules are that a new vendor cannot ask anyone to FE unless they have 35 transactions and have vended for a month. If they violate that then it goes to 60 transactions and cant ask to FE for a couple months. We still let people chose what they want, but we have rules built in so that a vendor has to prove themselves first.


Silk Road discussion / Re: What is doing Sr abiut the PHD1 Situation?
« on: January 01, 2013, 05:21 am »
He's been demoted for blatant scamming. Thanks to the new report feature we were able to stop him.  Granted, I wish it could have been earlier, but we do out best. I agree with Nomad. Please don't FE with anyone. For the moment its still not against the rules, I bet one day that will change. Its best to get into the habit of not FE and 99 percent of buyers issues will  go away...


Security / Re:
« on: December 29, 2012, 03:30 am »
BITCOINTALKS.COM IS A SCAM STAY AWAY!!!! Stay with the big boys, bitinstant, mtgox and the other reputable ones.. but if its too good to be true, it is..


Silk Road discussion / Re: QuickBuy bullshit back?
« on: December 26, 2012, 06:06 pm »
We have got most of them, but there are still a few out there.. Use the report button on the item and we will delete them..


Like previously stated. A vendor has 4 days to mark the item in transit. If he doesn't in that time frame, you may cancel it with no harm done to your stats. The vendor may cancel the order before he marks it in transit as well, but if he cancels after its marked in transit, the buyer can leave feedback.


Silk Road discussion / Re: New Report buttons?
« on: December 21, 2012, 09:09 pm »
Just because someone reports something doesn't mean we are going to do what they say.. We look at each one and investigate. If it has merit, we take action. if not, we move on...


Silk Road discussion / Re: New Report buttons?
« on: December 21, 2012, 05:56 pm »
We are always trying to improve SR and we have just added this new feature... When your reporting a vendor or item, please give a detailed message as to why. There will be a place for that when you click on "report vendor" or report item. If you don't put in the reason, we don't know what to look for, (unless its pretty obvious, then again, it may be obvious to you but not to the staff).

This is not to replace the SR support messaging system. Please continue to use the messaging system like you were, but if your reporting a rogue vendor or see something that needs special attention, please use this new feature This is going to help us, help you and make SR a safer place.

We will constantly improve and update the system, so if you see any changes, this is probably the reason. Remember, the resolution system is the same. The messaging system is the same. This will help us get to an issue much quicker. Please use it responsibly.


Silk Road discussion / Re: Finalizing early..
« on: December 16, 2012, 08:37 pm »
Man, I wish no one would FE.. Most of the time it turns out to be a huge headache... If you HAVE to FE. Only do it with VERY reputable vendors, even then I would tread lightly..


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