Hi feetfloors...I just noticed your post and thought i'd share something which may be beneficial (but more so over time).I too had strong confidence issues like you mentioned. I would be ok amongst family or a small group of very close friends but when in company of bigger groups of people my head used work differently.Like you I was diagnosed with depression but I was also diagnosed with adhd when younger and these two were kinda conflicting in ways.I smoked a lot of weed at the time and didn't get out as much as I should have so this didn't help my case but anyhow.A few posts here mention valium and similar alternatives. I would agree that these would help on short notice as you describe. But don't over do it! See how one works on you one day in your own time and test it first.But this is what I wanted to get to. I don't know you as a person but I ask you this: Do you do much exercise? Do you spend most of your spare time just on the computer?? Maybe you are insecure about how you look and secretly without you knowing, this may be causing your problems. Exercise release serotonin which in turn will regulate your mood better and sleep amongst other things.I used never exercise at all when I mentioned how I used be the same as you. For the past year I go the gym 3-5 days per week and now I am more confident in everything I do than I have ever been. I can guarantee you that in time you will feel so much more confident.Maybe you already do work out a lot and this may not be your issue but if you don't, rest assured you will benefit greatly from it.Hope this can help you out in the long run dude.Peace out.