Silk Road forums

Discussion => Shipping => Topic started by: spiritguru123 on September 13, 2013, 07:22 pm

Title: Suspicious postal worker? or paranoia?
Post by: spiritguru123 on September 13, 2013, 07:22 pm
So I have a p.o box that gets a large volume of parcels both legal and illegal so it doesn't look suspicious(business mail, magazines, etc) When I opened the po box I was foolish enough to open the smallest size. so I'm stuck with the small box til I can renew a larger one, because of this I often am left with a slip for pick-up since many of the boxes don't fit most of the time although on occasion they do. Usually, I go to the pick-up window and get my package whereby they hand me my package and that's that. However, as I was picking up a package the other day, I noticed a new guy stern and serious looking, there's usually either one of two women or a Jamaican dude at the window. I was weary of this guy cause he looked like an old anti-drug right wing conservative. As he handed me my package he commented, "california, eh?" and gave me a somewhat hostile look as if he knew what was inside. This is the first time any postal worker made a comment on the return location, I was taken aback and simply nodded my head, said thank you very much and left. Could the simple suspicion of a po worker raise a red flag for an address?

I ask because after this encounter, I was expecting another package(not from cali) but from the east coast that was shipped priority and should of been here by now considering im on the east coast but has yet to show up. Could this be the cause or am I just being paranoid and impatient? I tend to over think these things sometimes haha

Sometimes the post office slacks off and forgets to put the slip inside or post-pone it the next day, it has happened once or twice before. DCN would show delivered but no slip, I would have to go and inquire. Would it be sketchy if I were to ask a worker to check if my package is in as I am expecting one or would that raise eyebrows?
Title: Re: Suspicious postal worker? or paranoia?
Post by: b0lixtrader on September 13, 2013, 08:49 pm
Sometimes paranoia plays a big part on how you view things.  He could just be just like what you said, a stern strict dude but trying to be nice and just strike a conversation?

But there are other factors that play into this, did you look nervous?  Do you dress like a hippy stoner?

It's possible he may have a slight idea.  Was it weed packaged in a bubble mailer?  Could you feel through it? 

Think about all this. 
Title: Re: Suspicious postal worker? or paranoia?
Post by: hallucinating horse on September 14, 2013, 01:54 pm
Postal workers are lazy fuckers. Demand your package and demand an apology. If you don't get both start shouting "Obama" and "welfare" in between gibberish and I promise you will.
Title: Re: Suspicious postal worker? or paranoia?
Post by: envious on September 14, 2013, 03:00 pm
TONS of mail comes out of California every day. They're a major producer of millions of products other than drugs. Forget that guy. If you are worried, just don't send any weed there.
Title: Re: Suspicious postal worker? or paranoia?
Post by: unc1717 on September 14, 2013, 03:19 pm
TONS of mail comes out of California every day. They're a major producer of millions of products other than drugs. Forget that guy. If you are worried, just don't send any weed there.

this.. for some reason whenever i buy something off ebay it seems to be coming out of california..
Title: Re: Suspicious postal worker? or paranoia?
Post by: SmokesHisBroccoli on September 14, 2013, 08:04 pm
Cali's one of the largest if not the largest state in terms of number of legal businesses.  There's a lot of people there and there's a lot of money there.  Cali's also an intriguing place especially to those who've never had the opportunity to go there and check it out for themselves.  That's probably why your postal worker said that.  Just trying to strike up a convo. with ya nothing more. 
Title: Re: Suspicious postal worker? or paranoia?
Post by: spiritguru123 on September 14, 2013, 10:08 pm
What really has me sketched out is that the DCN the vendor provided is showing "ready for pick up" for the past two days but still no slip. Last time this happened was for a legal package a while ago from a lazy, forgetful worker who never got around to leaving the slip in the box. I guess I'm going to have to inquire about the package next time the PO opens on monday and hope it wasn't intercepted or anything. Vendor is one of the top and is noted for excellent stealth so I can only hope for the best!
Title: Re: Suspicious postal worker? or paranoia?
Post by: hallucinating horse on September 15, 2013, 06:34 pm
What really has me sketched out is that the DCN the vendor provided is showing "ready for pick up" for the past two days but still no slip. Last time this happened was for a legal package a while ago from a lazy, forgetful worker who never got around to leaving the slip in the box. I guess I'm going to have to inquire about the package next time the PO opens on monday and hope it wasn't intercepted or anything. Vendor is one of the top and is noted for excellent stealth so I can only hope for the best!

No one intercepted your tiny amount of drugs man. I wish someone would post a mega thread about how 99% of domestic packages never even come near a drug dog or anyone looking for drugs.
Title: Re: Suspicious postal worker? or paranoia?
Post by: happyhippy on September 15, 2013, 08:24 pm
What really has me sketched out is that the DCN the vendor provided is showing "ready for pick up" for the past two days but still no slip. Last time this happened was for a legal package a while ago from a lazy, forgetful worker who never got around to leaving the slip in the box. I guess I'm going to have to inquire about the package next time the PO opens on monday and hope it wasn't intercepted or anything. Vendor is one of the top and is noted for excellent stealth so I can only hope for the best!

A healthy dose of paranoia is essential when doing this shit but I think in this instance its unlikely that you're being reeled in by LEO , I'm assuming that the order aint 5 Oz of meth or similar . Lets us know how it plays out .
Title: Re: Suspicious postal worker? or paranoia?
Post by: NW Nugz on September 16, 2013, 03:54 am
... as I was picking up a package the other day, I noticed a new guy stern and serious looking, there's usually either one of two women or a Jamaican dude at the window. I was weary of this guy cause he looked like an old anti-drug right wing conservative. As he handed me my package he commented, "california, eh?" and gave me a somewhat hostile look as if he knew what was inside. This is the first time any postal worker made a comment on the return location, I was taken aback and simply nodded my head, said thank you very much and left. Could the simple suspicion of a po worker raise a red flag for an address?
Probably nothing to worry about.
Worst case he could have been the area's postal inspector or just resident postal-suspicious dude watching your reaction to his comment. If he saw you were nervous, they might be watching your future packages very carefully for any excuse to open one. I am paranoid though.
Probably nothing to worry about.
Title: Re: Suspicious postal worker? or paranoia?
Post by: spiritguru123 on September 17, 2013, 02:44 am
Got my package! Turns out the lazy fucks at the post office lost my package among the mass of mail as I waited half an hour before they finally found it. When I told them the DCN indicated it was ready for pick-up they didn't even know what that meant. I am happy I got it though!

As a vendor noted to me the other day, "the post office is poorly run, if it was a private business not getting taxpayers cash they would be shut down". I couldn't agree more.

Stay safe everyone!
Title: Re: Suspicious postal worker? or paranoia?
Post by: unc1717 on September 17, 2013, 12:41 pm
Got my package! Turns out the lazy fucks at the post office lost my package among the mass of mail as I waited half an hour before they finally found it. When I told them the DCN indicated it was ready for pick-up they didn't even know what that meant. I am happy I got it though!

As a vendor noted to me the other day, "the post office is poorly run, if it was a private business not getting taxpayers cash they would be shut down". I couldn't agree more.

Stay safe everyone!

true that.. illiterate fucks one time put my box of weed in the wrong mailbox.. luckily it wasnt opened and the owner of the mailbox returned it but still.. could've been christmas for whoever they gave it to..
Title: Re: Suspicious postal worker? or paranoia?
Post by: teaball on September 17, 2013, 02:01 pm
He's in the house...GET OUT of the HOUSE!!!
Title: Re: Suspicious postal worker? or paranoia?
Post by: unc1717 on September 17, 2013, 10:09 pm
He's in the house...GET OUT of the HOUSE!!!

use ONE more exclamation mark mutherfucka i dare you to..ONE.. more..
Title: Re: Suspicious postal worker? or paranoia?
Post by: realdeals on September 18, 2013, 09:35 pm
Just paranoia man. If you dont feel black hard nigger cocks in you're non bleached shaved ars you're fine.
Title: Re: Suspicious postal worker? or paranoia?
Post by: bbd82584 on September 19, 2013, 12:15 am
Yeah, the state of California on its own is one of the top 5 or 6 economies in the WORLD......just the state of Cali.  Volume of parcels and mail that come from a place like that must be staggering.  Sounds to me like "Cali, eh?" was this dude's half-assed attempt at making conversation.  And if he was trying to be a dick, fuck him.  You're a paying customer.  Sounds like not only do you ship through USPS' shitty system, you also pay for a box.  So, yeah, fuck em.

Also, if you think you've got something in the back just walk up to the counter and ask.  Say something like "im expecting a parcel and wondered if it might be back there as it's probably too big for my po box".  As long as you aren't asking several times a week, there's no reason not to ask.  I've gone over to the PO in my hood a couple times to get all my mail before 9:30 when the trucks go out.  They were times when the vendor slacked and I was left sick waiting.  My local PO is less than a 1/4 mi from my apartment, but it's the very LAST stop on my carrier's route AND it's a whole mess of Apartment boxes, so when he gets here it takes an HOUR for him to deliver and get the fuck out. 

So, yeah, patience is a virtue, but at the same time, there are plenty of circumstances that could warrant you making an occasional request of a postal worker.  I'm on a first name basis with my carriers and it comes in handy now and again.  Hell, I've even stopped my carrier in the mid of the route to get my mail early-wouldn't recommend doing that unless it's an emergency but there's a good possibility that the carrier will happily oblige so long as you aren't bothering them with any regularity.

Hope that helps!