Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: Jay on April 01, 2012, 01:49 pm

Title: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: Jay on April 01, 2012, 01:49 pm
For anyone who hasn't seen already; Silk Road has been mentioned in The Sun newpaper today:

Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: blackend646 on April 01, 2012, 02:01 pm
Hopefully it blows over. I really hate these media assholes, why are they completely incapable of being objective? I swear people are so angry and spiteful for no reason..
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: BlaqPeter on April 01, 2012, 02:12 pm
"DRUG dealers are operating beyond the reach of law in a sinister parallel online universe called the Dark Web. "

"But by simply downloading special software freely available on the net, you can anonymously access a world of evil with no fear of being caught."

"Former Home Secretary David Blunkett said last night: "I'm amazed by what The Sun has uncovered. It is utterly sinister — an online engine of the criminal underworld."

How objective!
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: aligibbs on April 01, 2012, 02:16 pm
"I'm amazed by what The Sun has uncovered" - please!! Ugh, these people!
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: bananatinpots on April 01, 2012, 02:32 pm
They didn't mention the road by name, nor tor, couldn't even bring themselves to say anything apart from "DARK WEB SCARY"...

The Sun is a classic, gotta give it to them for trying to make it as sensationalist and one sided a story as possible.

These are pretty much the same people as NotW that brought you some real exclusive news via phone hacking.  Murdoch is a cnt.
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: Prawl42 on April 01, 2012, 02:40 pm
They didn't mention the road by name, nor tor, couldn't even bring themselves to say anything apart from "DARK WEB SCARY"...

The Sun is a classic, gotta give it to them for trying to make it as sensationalist and one sided a story as possible.

These are pretty much the same people as NotW that brought you some real exclusive news via phone hacking.  Murdoch is a cnt.

if they did drop any names in they would just bring more people here :)
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: LucyDiamond on April 01, 2012, 02:53 pm
The real question is.. What do all of these newspaper companies do with the drugs? ::)
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: kakapo on April 01, 2012, 03:07 pm
I just checked and it's in the physical paper so there would have been a lot of sheeple who read this today.

Here's the scan from the paper, it actually provides a little more information of this person's SR account.

Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: flicky42 on April 01, 2012, 03:49 pm
We have a great section on harm reduction and alot of people have learned about the safe ways of drug us. But lets completely ignore that side of the story. REPORTERS.
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: blackend646 on April 01, 2012, 04:33 pm
I just checked and it's in the physical paper so there would have been a lot of sheeple who read this today.

Here's the scan from the paper, it actually provides a little more information of this person's SR account.


Why in the fuck did they buy so many coins?
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: dance4life on April 01, 2012, 04:42 pm
I just checked and it's in the physical paper so there would have been a lot of sheeple who read this today.

Here's the scan from the paper, it actually provides a little more information of this person's SR account.


Why in the fuck did they buy so many coins?

I was gonna say the same thing.  $1500+ for a "test account" to sample drugs is pretty large.  Oh well, good for the economy I guess.

Btw, does anyone know what they did with all these drugs after ordering?  I am sure they went straight into the trash.
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: Dr Special K on April 01, 2012, 04:49 pm
Fuck the media  >:(
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: aliasx on April 01, 2012, 04:57 pm
I just checked and it's in the physical paper so there would have been a lot of sheeple who read this today.

Here's the scan from the paper, it actually provides a little more information of this person's SR account.


Why in the fuck did they buy so many coins?

To get a lot of heroin from Aunt Sonya
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: 1unbekannt53 on April 01, 2012, 04:59 pm
"The Dark Web is operated by a global network of shady fanatics(...)"

Oh dude, this is the BEST comedy of all fucking time :D
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: Limetless on April 01, 2012, 05:05 pm
I just checked and it's in the physical paper so there would have been a lot of sheeple who read this today.

Here's the scan from the paper, it actually provides a little more information of this person's SR account.


Why in the fuck did they buy so many coins?

To get a lot of heroin from Aunt Sonya

Haha YES to this comment. Probs went something a little like this:

"Yes I think *powder in spoon* we can definitely all agree *adds water and bases* that this SR thing is evil! *filters and sucks into syringe* So we have no choice but to *belts arm* report on this and create a lot of *shoots, scores* hyyyyyyppppeeee..........*falls off his chair*"

Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: Prawl42 on April 01, 2012, 06:01 pm
I just checked and it's in the physical paper so there would have been a lot of sheeple who read this today.

Here's the scan from the paper, it actually provides a little more information of this person's SR account.


Why in the fuck did they buy so many coins?

To get a lot of heroin from Aunt Sonya

Haha YES to this comment. Probs went something a little like this:

"Yes I think *powder in spoon* we can definitely all agree *adds water and bases* that this SR thing is evil! *filters and sucks into syringe* So we have no choice but to *belts arm* report on this and create a lot of *shoots, scores* hyyyyyyppppeeee..........*falls off his chair*"

LOL! ah thats some funny shit
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: envious on April 01, 2012, 07:15 pm
probably the funniest shit i've seen all week.
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: PriscillaMarie90 on April 01, 2012, 07:34 pm
I almost fell out of my chair when I saw how many coins they had.

Also, I just thought of something! If any of us ever get in trouble for using SR, we should just say it was all merely extensive research for the newspaper articles we all intend to someday write! IT'S RESEARCH, DAMNIT!
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: lsdtrees on April 01, 2012, 08:47 pm
That was a !@#% hilarious read.  I feel so privileged to be a part of this sinister terrorist plot.  If drugs are terrorism then I want another 9/11.
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: diskoking23 on April 01, 2012, 08:55 pm
It's funny, but the BBC had a story 2 months ago... Pure tabloid sensationalism, the paper is a shambles anyway, a Rupert Murdock rag... If I ever buy have a copy it usually ends up as toilet paper!!
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: Limetless on April 01, 2012, 08:59 pm
Yeah, if they equate this to terrorism then perhaps The Sun also needs to address why the Taliban and their good chums Al-Quieda isn't throwing grams of Ecstasy or Coke at the West? Doesn't add up to me....
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: slower on April 01, 2012, 09:06 pm
So the Sun put this story out just before our dear coalition announce plans to introduce and rush through laws which will allow GCHQ to monitor all UK internet comms in realtime. I'm sure it's purely a co-incidence.  ::)

On the up side maybe it will make it easier to persuade more people to use countermeasures. Eh.
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: risky2 on April 01, 2012, 11:52 pm
Break out the tea and crumpets, we going to get more brits on SR. Hey, 'the sun never sets', right? heh.
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: TravellingWithoutMoving on April 02, 2012, 12:05 am
The real question is.. What do all of these newspaper companies do with the drugs? ::)

...they ensure the usual celebs are taking them to write more stories about them...haha

Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: envious on April 02, 2012, 12:17 am
didn't you guys hear? dread pirate roberts is really osama bin laden... NAVY SEALS LOL GOOD ONE OBAMA
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: blackend646 on April 02, 2012, 12:19 am
The real question is.. What do all of these newspaper companies do with the drugs? ::)

...they ensure the usual celebs are taking them to write more stories about them...haha

Ha, since you say that, actually makes me wonder if any celebs come on SR. Maybe Whitney Houston OD'ed on shit from here



Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: rake on April 02, 2012, 12:49 am
The real question is.. What do all of these newspaper companies do with the drugs? ::)

...they ensure the usual celebs are taking them to write more stories about them...haha

Ha, since you say that, actually makes me wonder if any celebs come on SR. Maybe Whitney Houston OD'ed on shit from here



And you fucked over Herbie.  You owe that car some BTC too!!!
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: Limetless on April 02, 2012, 12:55 am
The real question is.. What do all of these newspaper companies do with the drugs? ::)

...they ensure the usual celebs are taking them to write more stories about them...haha

Ha, since you say that, actually makes me wonder if any celebs come on SR. Maybe Whitney Houston OD'ed on shit from here



And you fucked over Herbie.  You owe that car some BTC too!!!

Let us not forget her piss poor acting in Mean Girls.....had too watch that with too many birds...BTC for all Lohan! You menace!
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: ianfleming on April 02, 2012, 01:09 am
if they did drop any names in they would just bring more people here :)
Thats actually how I found out about this place. The original gawker article.
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: BlaqPeter on April 02, 2012, 04:52 am
if they did drop any names in they would just bring more people here :)
Thats actually how I found out about this place. The original gawker article.

+1 but at least Gawker were kind enough to provide the name of the site and the original URL and mention Tor.
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: wannabud on April 02, 2012, 05:33 am
NeuroticNarcotic received a nice highlight. He should be proud.

And journalists can buy drugs on internet just because they are journalists?

TheSun is a joke.
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: wannabud on April 02, 2012, 05:45 am
I was thinking the article was a hoax from april 1st fool's day.
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: Abritishperson on April 02, 2012, 09:09 am
I too was thinking this. I notice the article has been taken down now.
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: Limetless on April 02, 2012, 09:35 am
I too was thinking this. I notice the article has been taken down now.

Lol...probs because the journalists bought some smack and some blow...
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: cache on April 02, 2012, 09:38 am
Its a shit old rag anyway, hasn't Happy Hippy not had any listings for ages? I am pretty sure he hasn't had any coke up for a long time.
They forgot to mention the often interminable wait to get bitcoins in the article either!
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: aligibbs on April 04, 2012, 08:54 am
What annoys me the most (god, I hope this doesn't offend anyone) is that it's in The has the reading age of an 8 year old (linguistically - for real!) so the people that read it are hardly, er, well, smart - especially given the crap articles the publish. I hope this won't mean in flux of idiots here!
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: Raoul Duke on April 04, 2012, 12:22 pm
SR is in the Times today as well. you need to subscribe to read it on tinterweb though. but it's in the actual dead tree edition as well
Title: Re: Silk Road In The Sun Newspaper (UK)
Post by: mcgrizzle on April 04, 2012, 03:04 pm
get ready for the value of bitcoins to jump again lol people who read this are going to try to research it and stumble upon the gawker article leading to more traffic and purchasing of bitcoins