Silk Road forums

Discussion => Shipping => Topic started by: e4meallday on October 27, 2011, 12:53 am

Title: can i get arrested?
Post by: e4meallday on October 27, 2011, 12:53 am
say im ordering for my friends and having deliveries made to there house and they get busted excepting a delivery, can i be arrested for making the purchase for them if they rat me out? i mean technically the product was never in my possesion all im doing is buying for them and having it delivered to them. i can imagine the situation could b worse if the cops were to confiscate my computer in the process of that investigation but say i dont have any drugs in my possesion at the time? please answer some or all these questions for me, and sorry if this is in the wrong section. and what would b the consequences qould u say if i were to get in trouble?
Title: Re: can i get arrested?
Post by: flavourful on October 27, 2011, 01:44 am
depending on what it is i'd probably wipe your hardrive and lay low till everything blows over, if you have nothing illegal in your house, and no traces of anything illegal on your computer they cant do shit
Title: Re: can i get arrested?
Post by: kranky on October 27, 2011, 01:52 am
depending on what it is i'd probably wipe your hardrive and lay low till everything blows over, if you have nothing illegal in your house, and no traces of anything illegal on your computer they cant do shit

Not necessarily, depending on how long they have been monitoring you they could still take action against you.  Especially if you have received packages in the past or had packages intercepted by customs.  If theyre already at your door they usually have enough to take action against you.  That is if it's the feds, they don't mess around. 
Title: Re: can i get arrested?
Post by: Cantrecallmypassword on November 02, 2011, 10:06 am
A lot of questions in there, but instead of answering them all, let me offer this: proportionality.  As a buyer, you should keep your guard up and act with caution, but movies are just fiction.  Unless you're sending kilos of coke to your friends house, you're likely going to be okay.  Wherever you live, the government is highly unlikely to waste millions of dollars to take down your recreational drug habit.  The ones putting their asses on the line are the sellers and owners of this site, not you.   

Possession does not matter, you're a proxy -> can you be charged and convicted for felony murder without actually doing the killing?  Yes. 

The guy that said you can be arrested for anything is right.  Arrests and convictions are distinct.  One require probable cause and the other require proof beyond a reasonable doubt.  While he was likely being facetious, even a dumb cop could muster the creativity necessary to arrest you.  Cases get kicked all day long because a cop failed remedial English.

Granted, getting arrested sucks... or so I've heard.  Hopefully, you ordered Xanax - take a couple of those and forget about wiping your hard drive.   
Title: Re: can i get arrested?
Post by: braxxen on November 02, 2011, 12:30 pm
sure they could get you for criminal conspiracy. but realistically investigation wouldn't go that far unless it's a really big amount of schedule I or II substances.
Title: Re: can i get arrested?
Post by: envious on November 02, 2011, 12:57 pm
The real question is, why would you order drugs for someone you think would rat you out?
Title: Re: can i get arrested?
Post by: e4meallday on November 02, 2011, 11:43 pm
you dont know how people will react when facing the possibility of being arrested. people snitch on people all the time.
Title: Re: can i get arrested?
Post by: marsvolta12 on November 17, 2011, 05:11 pm
i think the real question is would you let your friend take the fall for drugs you ordered, and did you the favor of taking the risk to receive if he didn't rat you out?