Quote from: Horizons on December 28, 2011, 10:05 pmI think we all get what you're complaining about, Kara. But more regulation almost certainly isn't the best solution. It's in everyone's best interest to keep this market as free and accessible as possible (anonymity and privacy concerns notwithstanding) so as to facilitate the entry of new buyers and sellers as well as the actual negotiations, which are after all the main point of SR. Anything that's done to put an obstacle in the path of the scammers will put that same obstacle in the path of legitimate users as well. In the end, it'll lower the general population but won't significantly alter the proportion of scammers to honest people. Furthermore, it might create the illusion of safety for newcomers, thus making the already-established scammer's job even easier. As it stands now, anyone coming to a black market website to buy drugs, weapons and money laundering service knows (or at the very least should know) that she is dealing with criminals, and should assume that not everyone is honest. By creating the illusion that SR is a walled garden, too much regulation might actually end up exposing more new users to scammers by making them lower their defenses.Well, that's my $0.02, anyways. I might be completely wrong, but this is my story and I'm sticking to it.First thing I thought of was DRM. Makes it difficult for the regular user, but pirates have no problem still.