I dont like the term PMK, the name most chemists use is MDp2p, newbs see PMK and think its some new precursor nobody has ever heard of. Considering sass oil is easily worth 1k/L, you could sell mdp2p for up to 5k/l and it would still be financially viable. Its about 1000x more illegal than sass oil and much more unstable. There are ways to convert it to an inert form for shipping and easily convert back to mdp2p once the chemist has it. Joy: I would suggest sticking to selling sass oil, that way people can use either a method that goes through mdp2p or a method like mine that is just a few steps directly from sass to mdma without mdp2p/PMK. Plus, you will not get in much trouble just for getting sass oil shipped to you, but getting mdp2p shipped to you is an instant manufacturing case.