d1ssonanc3: Yes, I do have a sustainable ergot culture that grows in my basement. It produces 1.5 grams of ergoline compounds per liter. I usually run 5 gallon buckets full, you do the math. More specifically its claviceps paspali ATCC strain 13892. Its so safe I have dipped my hand in before. Leme guess "OMG ERGOT will make your head fall off if you look at it wrong!!111!1" If this is hard for you to understand then you really dont know anything. Inert gas and red lights is not required, has someone been reading old LSD synthesis writeups online? Guess you know everything because you read a shitty synthesis using hydrazine which is older than your whore mom. You don't need specifically colored lights, you just need lights that dont produce UV. Its not like your synthesis will explode if you are using a small light across the room which provides synthesis light. UV light impact on LSD will produce inert lumi-LSD. Not only is most information online about LSD outdated, its mis-information. LSD synthesis is not as hard as its made to seem d1ssonanc3: what about me pisses you off so much that you will come in this thread and make yourself a fool by acting like you know anything more than anyone can learn in 15 minutes on google? "I love how you can claim that you have "tricks and techniques" that no one else knows about, did you discover some new functional group or something?" No, I found better ways to do things than have been made public knowledge, is that so hard for your tiny mind to understand? Discover a new functional group? What the hell are you talking about? Do you even know what a functional group is? You cant be a day older than 16.