I think a better idea would be to work to make this a very high production value video. Not only have the entire synthesis but high quality cameras, multiple angles, etc. It would go from making your first petri dish of fungi all the way to needlepoint and laying sheets. Most likely 4-6 hour video. There will be a whiteboard where equations, molecules, theory will be drawn. Practical advice and comparison to other methods would stated. Not only an LSD for dummies but also something that would be worth it for a Phd chemist. Instead of a pool or anything I may offer it as a very exclusive video. Anyone that purchases will also get the fungi shipped to startup. This would make the video in the realm of 4-7000$ I think this is the best way to go because it will be limited to those who are serious and have the resources, therefore least likely to get caught. Let me know what you guys think about the price and any other suggestions as to what will value-add this video.