The first guide with sources includes everything you need to start making your own ergotamine. It takes you from growing the fungi to extracting LSA (erogotamine) and turning that into lysergic acid, the backbone of the lysergic acid dietyhlamide molecule. The second guide gives you two methods from the backbone lysergic acid to lysergic acid diethylamide tartrate, or LSD. So if you extract your own lsa from seeds or headache pills then you only need the second guide but having the first guide allows you to grow infinite amounts of feedstock for making LSD. I include a source for the fungi to get started, this is the highly powerful production strain, wild strains will not work at all. It is impossible to grow wild ergot artificially in liquid to produce any useable amount of feedstock. The chemicals can be shipped anywhere and while I do not include sources I do include tips on where to find them that should work for everyone, international whatever You need about a 40 days from fungi sample to pure lysergic acid, then 1 day to LSD.