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Messages - DrDeepWood

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Shipping / Re: hole punctured in a letter
« on: October 09, 2012, 08:44 pm »
You got Ion Mobility Scanned!
they poke holes in your letter with a machine that also sucks a little air in at the same time.  The molecules of whatever travel up the tube and into a magnetic trap type thing, different molecules move through the tube at different speeds.  Known compounds like drugs, chem weapons and explosives are registered in their system and your letter is compared against these.

Rumor mill / Re: DrDeepWood (SRF) Ron Paul (SR)
« on: October 08, 2012, 09:59 pm »
haha sorry man I get like 30 messages a day, if i close them without responding they get buried.  I got distracted reading research papers on the subject and forgot to message you about what i found!

Drug safety / Re: Any Chemiststry Nuts Out There?
« on: October 08, 2012, 06:54 pm »
thats an ancient folk lore shit recipe. 

Rumor mill / Re: DrDeepWood (SRF) Ron Paul (SR)
« on: October 08, 2012, 06:53 pm »
You are more informed than most sass tea drinkin hillbillies...
You ever think to rent a woodchipper, backhoe and your pappas moonshine still?
Someone stands to be making a lot of money on SR selling sassafras, i offer free consulting for anyone who steps up.

OK I will give 1 BTC universal coupons to anyone that posts *well thought out* requests for guides, info, whatever

1 BTC per person

Rumor mill / Re: DrDeepWood (SRF) Ron Paul (SR)
« on: October 03, 2012, 09:54 pm »
Great idea mrnoname, I will get that going ASAP!
I need to start giving out coupon codes or something, you guys on the forum give me a lot of good ideas.

In short the reason i am not selling the sass source is because the people i have sold it to him in the past are buying him out! He has a cap to how much he sells every month.  I do not want to sell a source and have him out of stock! If you buy a guide or I promised you the source we can talk but I really need to limit the amount of people using him, he cant keep up!

Product requests / Re: MESCALINE extract/isolate
« on: October 03, 2012, 09:11 pm »
Oh I was thinking about synthetic mescaline, not extracted.

Rumor mill / Re: DrDeepWood (SRF) Ron Paul (SR)
« on: October 03, 2012, 09:10 pm »
DigitalDong: honestly most of my customers are vendors, so this is exactly what you'd expect, new forum accounts of intelligent people posting me feedback.  I can't believe you would just throw around accusations like that after the large amount of feedback I have had from transactions, etc. 

You aren't the sharpest tool in the shed tho, DD was no longer interested in my services when I told him he had to pay for the sassafras source AND pay for the sassafras oil.  I no longer sell that source and most people on here would pay 10x what you refused to pay.  I realized that anyone who has trouble with their valuation of my service does not have their eyes open enough to utilize my products.

Product offers / Chemistry Consulting Services: MDMA, LSD synthesis!
« on: October 03, 2012, 03:34 am »
"Ron Paul" my username on SR

I put up some new guides today so I figured I would make a post.
I am a professional clandestine chemist offering chemistry guides and consulting.
Right now I have guides for making MDA, MDMA and LSD.
I also sell sources for chemicals, etc.
New guides being written every week!
Not only this but I answer the questions of any of my customers.

What kind of guides/info would you guys be interested in? I am working on an opiate chemistry guide as well as a mescaline synthesis guide...

Here is my review thread:

Product requests / Re: MESCALINE extract/isolate
« on: October 03, 2012, 01:58 am »
I will be posting a guide for the synthesis of mescaline pretty soon.  Its actually easy and uses easy to get chems but the problem is the high dosage, which drastically lowers profit margins gram for gram.  Maybe someone on SR will start supplying you guys with pure synthetic mescaline.

I hate to say "i told you so" but... yeah...
He should of used my consulting services, would have saved him a fire and a trip through the legal system

Rumor mill / Re: DrDeepWood (SRF) Ron Paul (SR)
« on: October 01, 2012, 08:33 pm »
I'm honestly getting to the point where learning about them is more interesting to me than taking them. 

Haha yup thats a very interesting turn to make.  But it leads you down the road less traveled.  its a lot easier to pop a tab of acid then it is to set up a fermentation but once you try synthesis, nothing else will give you that high.  Its the most addicting thing there is and you will never shake it.

Rumor mill / Re: DrDeepWood (SRF) Ron Paul (SR)
« on: October 01, 2012, 05:21 am »
then go fucking swimming in a pool of lysergic lunacity haha

 ;D ;D ;D

I suspect it may be because you were born at the shallow end of the gene pool though.


This is the mistake all new chemists make.  They promise product.. this adds a lot of stress and your buyers get pissed because it will take 3x as long as you think even if you have done the synthesis before, thats just how it goes until you have done the same synthesis 4 or 5 times at that scale.  Just shutup and do work, when youre product is ready if you still feel like you can sell it at that price then put it up for sale. 

This seems pretty questionable... You are gona pop off all this speed without alerting your ROOMMATES? Sometimes I worry about alerting the whole block! Have you every smelled methylamine?! You better know what you are doing on the first run...

And Limitless is right, you wont be able to make shards with your racemic stuff.  The biggest grain size you can hope for is about sea-salt size.  Atleast not without some chemistry tricks that are above your pay-grade.  Oh thats right you read about fractional crystallization before and are totally confident doing it in real life.

I don't want to be a downer but don't hold your breath that this guy is gona pull off his first large scale synth in the bathroom nextdoor to two unknowing roommates.

Diving into a project like this is the best way to learn, but don't lead on all these folks.  You are kinda counting your chickens before they hatch.

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