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Messages - DrDeepWood

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Product offers / Re: Unmanned delivery drone 10/100/1000km distance
« on: November 01, 2012, 12:13 am »
I feel like the OP is full of shit so I will go ahead and say that if you want info about something like this I will consult for a price, Im not just a chemist but a technical consultant in general.

Product offers / Re: Unmanned delivery drone 10/100/1000km distance
« on: October 31, 2012, 06:16 am »
This smells fishy, I know a huge amount about this kind of thing and unless the poster starts talking some serious technical information I think this is shit.  What fuel capacities for what distance flights, weights, wingspans, and especially propulsion systems.  A lot less interested in electronics, anyone can slap together GPS and radio or telephone data communication system.

Product requests / Re: I need a partner, culturing fungi $$$
« on: October 30, 2012, 01:58 am »
This offer is closed.
Look for a new claviceps culture vendor soon, will update with info

Product requests / Re: I need a partner, culturing fungi $$$
« on: October 29, 2012, 03:00 am »
Yeah man my guides and their business are symbiotic, they will make a ton of money, help people and will pay me for setting them up with a business, recommending them, etc  This strain commands enough money and is such minimal work that its totally worth it to throw a little to the person thats keeping it all going.

Same as growing mushroom isolates on petri dishes.  Anyone who can do that should talk to me.  Must be reliable. 

Product requests / I need a partner, culturing fungi $$$
« on: October 28, 2012, 10:59 pm »
I need someone domestic that I can trust.  They will be responsible for keeping viable a strain of claviceps paspali as well as selling it and shipping it out.  They will plate, seal, store and ship very valuable cultures of claviceps paspali. 0 hazard.  All information and cultures will be provided and profits will be split after the payback period.  This could be a 1k a week or higher business for the right person.  If you are already not a vendor I will need references. 

Product offers / Re: LSD crystal
« on: October 28, 2012, 05:59 pm »
tiny amounts of iso-lsd will effect the trip negatively.  Thats why fluff feels so pure and lower purities give you backaches etc.  Its a synergy thing, it academically shouldn't happen but it does, it contributes a very tiny amount of negative effects.  BUT you can avoid all this if you use peptide coupling, which is described in detail in my guides.

Product offers / Re: LSD crystal
« on: October 27, 2012, 11:14 pm »
And if you think phosphoryl impurities are ok, then you may want to read how insanely fucking hazardous it is.

im not implying there are hazardous impurities, im implying there is iso-lsd based on the reaction scheme and color. not like inorganic impurities matter when they are 5% of something thats only 100mcg a dose

Product offers / Re: Interest check: Thermite encased harddrives
« on: October 26, 2012, 05:42 am »
other than chemically setting it off, for a reliable ignitor I would:
Powder sparklers and buy micronized thermite mix on ebay, super fine stuff
pack it into a tube as a gradient, first put in only sparkler powder, then 80% sparkler and 20% thermite then 50/50 and then just micronized thermite.  make an electrical squib and youre set.

Rumor mill / Re: DrDeepWood (SRF) Ron Paul (SR)
« on: October 26, 2012, 05:39 am »
hey guys this is my review thread, i want to keep general chem discussions out of here. just stuff from customers in this thread.  I guess I will start another thread for this.

But yes you can get some sassafras oil easily from the trees.  just understand you will need atleast 100kg for a liter or two of oil.

I think the great thing about illicit chemistry is that it gives smart people the drive to learn a world of amazing things.  They say the alchemists journey of turning lead to gold is a metaphor for bettering yourself through knowledge.

Product offers / Re: Interest check: Thermite encased harddrives
« on: October 26, 2012, 04:06 am »
What you need to offer are metallic mesh bags lined with thermite.  this way people can bring drugs in their car, road, festival etc.  If the bag is opened with the zipper without deactivating the ignitor, a loud pop and the whole thing burns.  This ignitor is non-electrical and cheap to make.  I can sell plans for this for 100$ if you are interested, more of a market for this than the HD thing.

Product offers / Re: LSD crystal
« on: October 26, 2012, 04:02 am »
pink crystal is made with pocl3 method
if its still pink chromotography was not performed
unlike the peptide coupler methods i sell, you need chromotography for pocl3 method
I suspect this pink crystal contains a large amount of iso-lsd and other impurities
will not be on the same par as needlepoint but should be 85-90+
You guys want some real needlepoint you need to buy my guides

Product requests / I need to talk to a good carder
« on: October 20, 2012, 07:34 am »
If you are in that business please contact me, I have some questions. $$ just for talking

Product offers / Re: Interest check: LSD synthesis video tutorial?
« on: October 20, 2012, 06:28 am »
aciddeath: thanks for the pat on the back but in part your uneducated comments are one of the reasons I am not longer interested in discussing this.  If I have to go behind everyone on this thread and explain how things are realistically I will never get anything done, having wide open misinformation comments will drive away otherwise interested parties.

You know how much paperwork is going to be involved in purchasing a strain of fungus that has the potential to destroy millions of acres of crops?

I sell a source who himself sells the production strain of claviceps paspali which produced 1.5g LSAs/L of broth, has no ergo-peptides which cause human poisoning (only if you swallow it anyway so its s moot point) and does not produce any type of spore, spore germination is required for ergot type fungi to pierce into its host.

So no paperwork
no crop infections

Product offers / Re: Interest check: LSD synthesis video tutorial?
« on: October 20, 2012, 06:10 am »
Forget I said anything.

I thought maybe raising money escrow and doing the lottery for the final product would be a fun way to get people involved and interested.  But I don't need the money to make the video, I just need to check interest.  All these low quality minds on here spreading doubt that it can't be done is pointless "those saying it can't be done shouldn't stand in the way of those doing it" applies.  Not to mention the countless references to misinformation on here (ergot being dangerous, a vacuum needed for inert atmosphere) 

Because this will just cause bickering, speculation, etc I am not going to discuss this topic anymore.
Maybe one day a video will pop up and be sold for around 6K on SR along with a vial of production selected freeze dried claviceps paspali..
No point mentally masturbating, there is obviously more interested than I expected and more than enough to make something like this worthwhile.

I don't want your money.  When I have copies of the video and someone has verified its legit it will be advertised on here.

Rumor mill / Re: DrDeepWood (SRF) Ron Paul (SR)
« on: October 19, 2012, 11:33 pm »
Kazy this is a review thread, please dont post a wall of questions on here.
I sell sass sources sometimes but I dont want to bomb them with new customers
yield can be 50-80% depending on your attention to detail
You will find some of this info in assorted places online if you already have a good deal of chemistry knowledge
Yes this information is really idiot proof

aspirin is an acetylated compound, they are considered harmless
the figures are astounding because it turns it into a compound very active around 10mg, turning morphine into that leaves you with an awesome profit margin.
anhydrides will cost pennies per drop to make
you can not acetylate mdma, it needs a carboxylic acid group or similar

the legal opiate does not show up on tests, not all molecules which interact with a receptor are that closely similar to other molecules which interact with that receptor.

please no more questions in here

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