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Messages - DrDeepWood

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Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Your Favorite Philosophy quote
« on: November 26, 2012, 07:07 am »
if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans

Product requests / Re: sassafras!! jus tryna get sassy
« on: November 26, 2012, 07:07 am »
I had to stop selling that source because they were getting to the point where they were selling out

Product requests / Re: ACTAVIS SYRUP OFFICIAL THREAD!!!!
« on: November 26, 2012, 07:06 am »
Man back when I had access to fentanyl I made a knockoff recipe from scratch for actavis syrup and was considering selling 5 gallon jugs of knockoff fentanyl based actavis syrup.  Wasnt interested in a murder charge when someone drank a whole bottle of it.

Shipping / Re: hole punctured in a letter
« on: November 21, 2012, 06:18 am »
Any idea which countries are using this technology?

I know US and AUS are confirmed to used them, probably most civilized countries have one.  Its a very cheap method of analytics but really only used in detection of drugs and explosives.  Its what they use at the airport in that device that blows puffs of air at you also.

Product offers / LSD precursors
« on: November 20, 2012, 01:10 am »
What would you guys pay for pure lysergic acid sulfate? This is better than ergotamine because it allows you to skip a step and gram for gram you get a lot more bang for your buck.

If you are interested please list how many grams per month you want and price per gram you will pay.
I am thinking around 5-700$ per gram, but higher offers will get priority

I am considering offering this in the future, so post in this thread if you want me to contact you if/when it happens.

If he wants to prove himself he can talk to me, i can sniff out this bullshit in a hot second.
My initial thoughts- idiot: nobody makes 1000ug blotters

Take 10 sheets of your paper (1000x hits), soak it in everclear and shake the excess off.  Put it on a scale, record weight, put dry paper on the scale, record the weight.  Subtract and you have the weight of the alcohol carrier.  .1 gram spreads over 1000x hits in a 100ug dosage.  So drop .1g in the amount you alcohol you measured or 1g in 10x the amount you measured.

PM me if you have questions.

Off topic / Re: Wowzers.
« on: November 10, 2012, 12:08 am »
j-wowz: I am interested in methods to mdp2p not using safrole, or did I read that wrong?

Product offers / Re: Unmanned delivery drone 10/100/1000km distance
« on: November 10, 2012, 12:01 am »
What you are offering is just not feasible, I gave you the opportunity to provide stats on uav characteristics but you just said "yea i have them".

1000km is just total BS.  You may have communications equipment that will allow for this but you haven't even thought about the logistics of this.  How much fuel/batteries do you think would be required? Do you have any ballpark idea? Because I do and its just not practical.

Product offers / Re: Unmanned delivery drone 10/100/1000km distance
« on: November 07, 2012, 06:16 am »
You seem ambitious and seem to have good intentions but this is a serious project.  As someone who has done work in this field I think you are biting off more than you can chew.  this is quite literally, rocket science.

You need to atleast have basic information before you start throwing around prices.
For each flight distance what is:

the size of the UAV
the weight of the UAV
the weight of the fuel/watts of battery+weight
the type of motor
weight of motor
thrust of motor/consumption
the type of frame/material
flying altitude

without even basic facts like this figured out

Same story here, so damn annoying, lots of lost business.

Product requests / Re: AA. Acetic Anhydride
« on: November 05, 2012, 07:29 am »
the smell is not an issue if done correctly, no fume hood or anything needed
If you are doing anything more than the most basic "on a spoon" acetylation I think my guide will pay for itself

Product requests / Re: AA. Acetic Anhydride
« on: November 04, 2012, 08:11 am »
I have a guide that deals with all matters of anhydrides
you can make it yourself very easily

regardless, the original poster didnt pull off his giant, sneaky synthesis without his roommates finding out.  Who does he think he is? he should of taken me up on my offer of consulting, would have saved him a lot of money.

Product offers / Re: LSD crystal
« on: November 02, 2012, 07:49 am »
yes there are strange synergetic effects at even tiny amounts of iso-lsd, why do you think they bother to clean it out if it doesnt matter? It produces a "dirty" feeling trip.

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