Product offers / Re: $20K - buy my business and be my boss! chemist for hire
« on: December 23, 2012, 07:46 am »
soo25: why don't you take your 2000$ a liter sass oil and do some work, once you put on your big boy pants and earn your stripes you wont be so interested in running your mouth and jerkin off your ego on the internet.
SR has been fast recently, since the outages they have been getting shit straight.
ps. dont assume because I sell info on silk road that I haven't gotten my hands dirty. I could have been elbows deep for decades and selling dose to your parents for all you know.
SR has been fast recently, since the outages they have been getting shit straight.
ps. dont assume because I sell info on silk road that I haven't gotten my hands dirty. I could have been elbows deep for decades and selling dose to your parents for all you know.